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Monday, March 31, 2014

By Erika Hertol

When a subluxation of the spinal column is discovered, this misalignment may be causing severe chronic pain. There are chiropractic methods known to be successful in alleviating that pain. Making an appointment with a leading Newcastle NSW chiropractor is the first step towards reducing the hurt you are suffering.

Chiropractic methods are successful without resorting to the use of prescription or over-the-counter medication. It is also favored due to being a non-invasive procedure. Care may be the use of spinal adjustments, which are known to reduce pain in the lower back.

However, before spinal adjustments, or any other techniques, can be administered, a full examination of your spine will be done. In addition, a medical history will be reviewed. In many instances, an x-ray is a necessary part of the assessment.

The evaluation includes taking all aspects of the client into consideration. This includes duration and intensity of pain and how disabling it is. It also takes into account how active a part the client can take in the care plan.

For example, whether he or she hopes to return to a desk job or one that requires physical exertion will determine the planned goal of achievement. How soon that goal can be reached is different for each person. Each individual responds differently.

Realigning the spine through adjustments is of major benefit. However, there are other methods to add. Exercise, especially a routine designed for a specific level of pain, is important. Heat or ice applications may be used in conjunction with massage to relax tightened muscles in the lower back area.

As the hurt is subsiding, a plan for maintenance is crucial to prevent a recurrent episode. An exercise schedule to use at home is one important aspect. Periodic office visits to monitor the condition, and possibly administer chiropractic adjustments twice a year, will keep the pain under control. When the lower back pain started, the client may have waited too long before seeking help. This usually extends the length of time required to facilitate relief.

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