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Thursday, March 27, 2014

By Donna Beley

Emergency cases in dentistry include painful symptoms in the teeth, gums, and the bone. Detecting the formation of swelling, inflammation or aches can prevent the damage from becoming worse. With tips from Philadelphia emergency dentistry, there are a number of ways to determine when it is necessary to visit a practitioner for healthy solutions.

Toothache is one of the most common complaints and often involves a cavity that is exposing the nerve of the tooth. Temperature extremes and nerve irritation can cause severe pain that will make it difficult for patients to perform regular tasks. The dentist can aid in removing excess dirt and sealing the cavity to eliminate the root exposure.

When accidents occur, it can result in severe damage to the bones, teeth, and soft tissues. A direct hit of the dental cavity or disease can result in the weakening of structures and dysfunction. In such cases, a doctor must be consulted immediately and surgery often needed to correct the complications associated with trauma.

If your crown or tooth is fractured, it should be repaired as soon as possible. The damages that occur with a fine fracture could soon become extensive and the necessary restorative procedures need to be implemented to maximize dental health. Corrective procedures that are applied early can ensure that all enhancements remain protected.

The presence of swelling of the gums and cheek may indicate that an abscess has formed and should be checked by a professional. To prevent against the possibility of reconstruction, immediate action should be taken once you are facing deterioration. If damage and infection are not controlled it can spread to the bone and you may lose your teeth.

Dental emergencies require professional care. It could mean the difference between saving your smile, tooth loss or oral reconstruction. Acting in a timely manner can alleviate discomfort and minimizing the possibility of infection for the best possible results.

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