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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

By Eve Briner

Medical professionals have identified hundreds of sleep disorders. For example, some men and women have difficulty staying asleep, while others cannot get to sleep initially. Certain patients have trouble with both activities. For unknown reasons, some people continuously battle insomnia, as they have never developed appropriate sleep patterns. Chicago insomnia therapy may offer solutions to certain people who are faced with this problem.

Certain sleep disorders go away on their own. Some individuals, however, must take medication or participate in behavioral therapy in order to alleviate their symptoms. The type of therapy recommended will vary significantly from one patient to another.

The majority of medical professionals agree that about a third of the adult population has struggled with sleeplessness at some point. In addition, sleeplessness occurs on a regular basis for approximately twelve percent of the population. The condition can lead to negative side effects, such as difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety, headaches, and daytime fatigue.

Sometimes sleep disorders are idiopathic, meaning that they occur for no known reason. In many cases, however, sleeplessness is the symptom of an underlying medical condition, or the result of medication side effects. It may also be caused by substances such as nicotine, alcohol, antidepressants, and caffeine, which are known to result in sleeplessness in many individuals.

Men and women fighting clinical depression may also find that falling asleep is a difficult endeavor. Additionally, those suffering from gastroesophageal disorders are sometimes prone to inappropriate sleep patterns. A physician will typically recommend therapy based on the underlying cause of the individual's problem, if one has been isolated.

Those afflicted with temporary sleeplessness may find visualization and muscle relaxation therapies helpful. For example, it may be easier for one to fall asleep if he or she focuses on specific breathing patterns and tries to relax his or her muscles. Those for whom such therapies prove ineffective may need a prescription for a sleep aid such as Ambien or Lunesta. Anyone suffering from the aforementioned problem should consider scheduling an appointment at a Chicago insomnia therapy clinic.

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