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Saturday, March 15, 2014

By Eve Briner

A Chicago insomnia therapy center can help people manage their sleep disorder. An individual assessment is conducted to determine if the cause for sleeplessness is respiratory or non respiratory. The evaluation considers various conditions including chronic sleeplessness, sleep apnea, snoring, and restless leg syndrome.

It is important to identify what is causing sleep problems. Some disorders may be the result of psychological or medical conditions. The sleep professionals work with your physician and other medical personnel such as cardiologist, neurologist, and psychiatrist. Using the multidisciplinary team approach makes it possible to successfully handle the sleeping disorder and the condition that may be causing it.

Folks need to understand the disorder. Many people who are having trouble sleeping may be suffering from the disorder and do not know it. This condition is said to be inadequate or poor quality sleep. There can be one or more conditions causing the problem including slumber that is not restful, trouble getting to and staying asleep, waking up often and being able to go back to sleep.

Sleeplessness is common among Americans with fifty to seventy million folks suffering with it. The condition is classified as chronic, transient, and intermittent. Chronic means it occurs almost every night and continues for months. Transient is short term and lasts from one night to a number of weeks. Intermittent episodes occur on and off.

Sleeplessness is caused by several things. Examples include the use of drugs and alcohol, occasional pain, physical illness, depression, caffeine, irregular schedules, anxiety, and stress. Typical symptoms are troubles with attention, concentration, memory, sleepiness during the day, and waking up tired.

If you are having trouble sleeping, visit a Chicago insomnia therapy center for help. They will provide you with tips that include getting up when you are awake, rising at the same time every day, and going to bed when you are tired. It is also suggested that folks not drink caffeine or alcohol near bedtime or fall asleep in front of the TV.

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