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Friday, April 15, 2016

By Helen Burns

Spider veins is a term given to clusters of red or purple vessels that may be seen on thighs, ankles or calves. The problem is seen more commonly in women than men. Although the problem is not associated with any symptoms in most cases, their unsightly appearance is a cause for concern for some people. There are a number of options for spider vein removal Aventura residents should be aware of.

If you have a first degree relative with this condition, your risk of developing the same is higher than it is for the general population. Your risk will also be considerably high if your profession requires that you stand for long hours. Standing for such hours causes stasis of blood and subsequent distension of blood vessels. Other risk factors include trauma to the skin, exposure to ultra violet rays, hormonal influences and increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Compression stockings are perhaps the most widely used form of treatment. This is mainly because they are affordable and are a non-invasive option. Apart from causing the gradual fading away of the vessels, the stockings also help to relieve pain. There are three main types of stockings that one may choose from. The first is a support pantyhose that offers minimal pressure. The gradient compression hose is the second type and exerts moderate pressure. The third known as prescription-strength hose provides the greatest pressure.

Sclerotherapy is another treatment that is widely available. The treatment is based on the injection of special chemicals (sclerosants) into the affected vessels. The presence of sclerosants inside the vessels causes scar tissue formation. As healing takes place, the vessels are blocked and blood has to be rerouted into alternative vessels. Eventually, the vessels fade away and the normal skin appearance is restored.

After sclerotherapy, one should wear compression stockings and should walk as much as possible. The stockings will help reduce the likelihood of side effects such as bruising, swelling and inflammation. If you are scheduled to undergo additional treatments, make sure that you engage in physical exercise regular in between the treatment to get maximal benefits.

Laser therapy is another commonly used approach. It can be easily done in the office and does not require the use of anesthesia. Laser rays that are directed to the affected group of vessels causes damage just as happens with sclerotherapy. Normal vessels are usually spared in this process. Side effects that may be encountered include redness, bruising, skin tone changes and swelling of the treated area among others.

There are a number of measures that one can undertake to prevent the problem. Many of these precautions relate to lifestyle. They include wearing of support stockings, good weight control, and engagement in regular physical exercise. Choose flat shoes in favor of high heels. The heels affect the proper function of large veins which eventually affects the smaller ones.

Although success rates are very high with modern treatments, the problem may recur after some years. On average, recurrence occurs after about 10 years. You may need to arrange for periodic check-ups to screen for the reappearance of the problem.

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