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Thursday, April 28, 2016

By Emilia Kibbe

The professional responsibility of the chiropractor is to promote good health in the spine and nervous system. When the spine is aligned perfectly, signals transmitted to the whole body from the nervous system will not be obstructed. On the other hand, when dysfunctional, there will be a negative result. A leading Denver Chiropractor who provides care for children will confirm that fact as being true in children as well as adults.

A baby may grow in an awkward position while in the womb. If breech or another abnormal birth occurs, it can have an effect on his spine. This may not become apparent until years later when the child is growing up. Health problems in the newborn such as colic may be traced back to the birthing process.

In cases of spina bifida the complications last throughout a person's life. This condition highlights the importance of spinal health. An evaluation of all children may yield valuable information. Any spinal disorder will have an impact on the child meeting normal milestones, sitting up for example, in the first year.

The way a chiropractor adjusts the spine of a child is quite different than ways used for an adult. Care starts with a full assessment of the child. The health history is discussed with the parent and the suspected problem is discussed. When adjustments are considered appropriate, they are administered with a light touch of the fingertips to the affected area. There is minimal impact.

If the child does not have physical trauma, from a car accident, for instance, there is no pain during the adjustments. Any sensitivity will be relieved as the realignment is being performed. It is rare for a child to object to care. In many cases, there are only a few office visits needed to adjust the misalignment. Children have a much faster response rate than adults do.

Parents should consider spinal dysfunction if their child has symptoms of a seemingly unrelated disorder. Included are ear infections, constipation or bedwetting in the older child. Physical trauma is not the sole reason a child may benefit from chiropractic care.

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