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Sunday, April 17, 2016

By Ann Long

Varicose veins are recognized by the red, blue, and purple webs or large vessels that develop at the surface of the skin resulting from damage or genetic factors. The veins are incredibly sensitive and painful including an unattractive appearance that require specialized therapy to improve healthy operation and appeal. With the options delivered in vein treatment Aventura patients can learn about the non-invasive and surgical options available.

The poor operation of the vessels result in ineffective transport of blood and fluids as the valves no longer operate correctly and blood accumulates in specific areas. Veins develop a blue or purple hue that prove painful to touch and may become severely raised and painful with time. Extended time spend walking or standing on affected limbs can cause the vessels to become increasingly painful.

The development of spider veins requires conventional methods of rest, concealer or pressure stockings to prevent the damage from becoming increasingly severe. Techniques are applied to the small vessels that develop a red, blue and light purple shade including compression stockings to decrease swelling. A professional will need to be consulted to determine healthy solutions for improvements in function and its appearance.

Vessels that cause a great deal of dysfunction can be relieved with the application of the latest laser techniques. Lasers are modern solutions to address the damage and the pain associated with poor vessel function and enhance overall appearance. A careful assessment of health requirements is needed to determine the extent of damages and the type of treatment that will need to be applied.

The veins can become significantly damaged and must be thoroughly examined by ultrasound technology and a professional approach. The damage to vein function and poor operation require methods that are developed to support long term health and remove the appearance of blue or purple tones. A professional evaluation must be completed to detect deterioration and determine the best possible means of relieving pain and strain.

The latest techniques include injecting collagen into the affected vessels and causes the damaged vein to collapse. The damaged vein that is injected with collagen will be reabsorbed into the body and reduce the appearance of blue or purple coloration that has appeared. The procedure can be performed quickly and safely and will not require long term recovery periods and costly procedure.

Lasers are suited to address the poorly operational veins that will cause the damaged sections to collapse and remove the pain and difficulties that are caused. Lasers apply targeted heat to the veins to cause it to disintegrate safely and will produce the desired cosmetic result. Sclerotherapy is a popular technique that involves injecting foam into the specific vessels to produce a clean and smooth result.

Therapeutic measures must be created to address the vein dysfunction that occurs with varicose veins that must be addressed by a practitioner. Lasers, rest and conventional methods including stockings that will alleviate the poor operation of the affected veins. The techniques made available assist in producing a cosmetic result that cannot be achieved with home remedies.

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