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Friday, January 3, 2014

By Theodore Rosenberg O.d.

An annual eye exam is a good idea. Having detailed eye exams are relatively important to evaluate your eye sight, and not as simple as they may seem. A comprehensive eye exam evaluates other factors such as neurological function, eye stress, eye muscle coordination and health and wellness of the external and interior eye structures.

You might think that eye exams are only for people with noticeable vision problems who might need a first time or new eyeglass prescription, but that is not always the case. Eye exams can also show early signs of glaucoma, diabetes, strabismus (crossed eyes), high blood pressure and arthritis. By catching this early you can avoid having irreversible eye damage.

Everyone should visit the eye doctor regularly. A good rule to follow is to have your eye tested regularly till you are 40 and every two years hence forth. Adults that have no family history of eye disease and have good vision, an eye exam every two to three years is recommended for patients under the age of forty.

In today's world, however, small screen devices has increased our visual demand tremendously. If you begin having eye problems using your cellphone or while surfing the internet, you may want to schedule your eye exam a sooner. If you are wearing contact lenses, get your eye exam done yearly.

Children should have vision screening once they start going to school and then every year or two after. Even if you have no problems with your eyes, make sure to visit the eye doctor once or twice a year after the age of 65, to rule out eye complications.

Remember to put your eye exam on your yearly calendar so that you don't forget.

Theodore Rosenberg, O.D.

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