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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

By Guy Stannard

There are many conditions that may result in muscle pain. Often the condition is due to specific groups that lead to tight and uncomfortable muscles. Both physical and emotional stress can increase this tension, leading to spasms and more pain. With help from a North Royalton chiropractor, many have found relief of their pain.

The skeletal muscles work together in opposing pairs. As one contracts the other relaxes and the limb or body part moves as directed by the brain. However, there are times when the opposing muscle does not relax, leaving the two muscles pulling against each other. The tight muscles make the pain worse.

As the two muscles fight against one another, the person experiences discomfort. Muscles may twitch and the pain grow worse. While stretching the weaker muscle may alleviate the pain, if not done properly, the tightened muscle can become weaker.

Many people mistakenly think of chiropractors as only providing care for backs. These health care providers offer a holistic approach. They consider one's family history, normal routines and other factors affecting health. Physical exams are performed to determine what causes the pain.

Chiropractic massage helps to relieve the tension in a person's muscles. This therapy helps to stretch and strengthen muscles so tightness subsides. The chiropractic doctor may also suggest specific exercises and relaxation techniques to help relieve the problem.

Sometimes what a patient believes to be muscle pain can be caused by a pinched nerve. Other tissues can create pressure on the nerve interfering in communication with the brain and the result is seen as pain. Thus, the pinched nerve in the back causes pain that is experienced in the foot.

With help from a North Royalton chiropractor, many people find effective relief of their muscle pain. The holistic approach helps to restore normal balance to one's body. The process encourages natural healing that helps to eliminate one's pain.

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