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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

By Rey Vetangelo

Wrinkles are one of the least desirable aspects of old age. We all want to keep our youthful skin for as long as possible. When wrinkles begin to rear their ugly head, we want to do everything in our power to eliminate them or prevent more from forming. The problem that comes from trying to combat wrinkles is that there's a lot of misinformation out there about the topic. So many so-called professionals are trying to push their treatments that either don't work or do more harm than good. At some point in our lives, we have to face the facts that wrinkles are coming and when they're here, they're here to stay; however, there are some things we can do in the meantime to slow their march.

Any Utah plastic surgery procedure can come with its share of complications, depending on the patient. It's up to your Utah plastic surgeon to keep you informed. It doesn't matter if you're having a facelift or breast augmentation in Utah. They need to be there to answer any of your questions and ease your worries should you have them.

Laser cosmetic surgery has many advantages over traditional cut-and-stitch plastic surgery. The use of lasers allows plastic surgeons to be incredibly accurate, there is less risk of bleeding (as long as the procedure is correctly performed by a qualified plastic surgeon), and the cost is less than it would be for traditional plastic surgery. However, it's not for everyone.

The ideal candidate has fair or medium brown skin and has reasonable expectations for what the surgery can accomplish and what can be expected immediately following surgery. Most plastic surgeons do not consider darker-skinned clients to be ideal candidates for laser cosmetic surgery because the resulting skin tone is unpredictable. They can end up with hyperpigmentation, which means their skin will be darkened where the treatment was performed.

Sleep and stress are two things that feed into one another. People who don't get enough sleep are usually stressed because they're tired due to their lack of sleep. Both of these factors play into someone getting wrinkles. We should set a bedtime for ourselves and stick to it. At the end of the night, we must power down and avoid anything that's going to agitate us before going to bed. Our schedules need to have places for rest and relaxation as well. Pursuing Utah plastic surgery can reverse the damage. It should be followed by a routine adjustment to prevent further damage later on down the line.

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A person's diet can also play into how quickly they wrinkle. We should look at our diets and eliminate all the things that could do harm to us. As soon as we have made the changes, we can then focus on finding the right Utah plastic surgeon to bring us back to where we were before our diet went off the rails. These skilled medical professionals have a way of restoring one's confidence.

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