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Thursday, January 23, 2014

By Judy Sullivan

No one expects to get a sexually transmitted disease and become part of a disappointing trend of statistics. Denver STD testing workers, and across the nation, say that rarely any of their patients figured they would be at-risk for acquiring an STI. During this year, over 19 million citizens will be infected at some point.

Around half of the people who are sexually active will acquire an STI during their 20s. Whether an STI is foreseeable in your love life, professionals advise against making assumptions about who can be infected, and who cannot. There are many vulnerabilities that need to be explored, and STIs do not discriminate against sexual orientation, religion, social class, or sex.

Even people who think that they use a fool proof method of avoiding infection will not have their risks assured. Some people have made careless decisions in their lives which have cost them more than they thought. There are many reasons to get a regular STI test, especially if you are a sexually active individual. Sexually active individuals should get tested to ensure quality well-being.

Many times, you might have depended on your body to give you a signal when something is wrong, but contrary to popular belief, STIs do not always give off symptoms. There are plenty of dangerous STIs that can go undetected for a while. Some cause skin or internal flares.

The CDC reports that ninety percent of individuals that are infected with herpes are unaware of it. One in four of individuals that have HIV are unaware of it. In 2005, there were nearly 976,000 people diagnosed and treated for chlamydia. Nearly 3 million people will be affected by chlamydia each year.

With the risk of remaining asymptomatic, STIs can generally get worse the longer it remains untreated. If it was simple as washing the affected area, life would be much more manageable. The truth is, your life is at risk, as well as your natural body functions. If you work on the principle that infection will get better over time without medical treatment, you would be making a potentially foolish mistake.

Late stage syphilis can cause dementia, HIV gradually destroys the immune system, and gonorrhea can cause infertility issues. Some diseases are potentially life threatening, and some are skin conditions. Contracting an infection can cause complications during a pregnancy. Females can suffer from inflammatory diseases that render them unable to have a baby.

Infections that go untreated can make your body more susceptible to other STIs. For example, if you or your partner has an open sore, it could make it easier to pass HIV. Open wounds can cause the very same infection in another individual. When a serious infection occurs, both parties who do not treat their infection can lose their reproductive abilities.

There are links between cancer and STIs. Women can be at risk for cervical cancer if they become infected with HPV. A Denver STD testing clinic can advise you on any diagnosed conditions. To look for a clinic, look online, in your phone book, or at your local clinic.

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