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Friday, January 3, 2014

By Dana Trendtini

A lot of smokers nowadays have given up their former habit and embraced a new one in the form of vaping. This practice involves the use of a device called an e cig, enabling them to experience the same oral and tactile satisfaction provided by the use of a real cigarette stick. This innovative product also gives its user the freedom to choose the nicotine level and flavor.

Also referred to as a personal vaporizer or an electronic cigarette, this device is very popular currently. They are being offered by several manufacturers worldwide, with so many of them available directly on the internet. Plenty of designs currently exist, ranging from those that look like actual cigarettes to units that are made to look like cutting edge vaporizers.

The current popularity of such product is mainly attributed to the numerous benefits it offers. Many have already abandoned smoking and are now very happy and loyal users of vaporizing tools. Plenty of reasons exist why a smoker is encouraged to buy e cig available on the market, and some of the most noteworthy ones can be found below. When it comes to the various benefits provided by electronic smoking, perhaps the most significant of all is the positive impact it has on the user's health. It's no secret that the use of cigarettes is a very risky act. All sorts of warning messages are printed on the packaging of tobacco products sold these days, such as "smoking is hazardous to your health".

Thousands of chemicals present in tobacco smoke are the ones that make it dangerous to the health. According to experts, there are over 7,000 poisonous substances pumped into the lungs of a smoker each time he or she takes a drag. When they reach the bloodstream, it's easy for these chemicals to get to the various bodily organs and cause all sorts of problems.

It isn't a secret that smoking has a huge impact on the health of both cardiovascular and respiratory systems. From stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, emphysema to bronchitis, a smoker is in danger of suffering from a variety of conditions, many of which can be lethal. Cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, cervix and of course the lungs may form.

It isn't just the smoker who is in jeopardy. Even non-smokers are in some form of danger due to their exposure to secondhand smoke. Because secondhand smoke does not go though the filter, it can actually be more harmful as all of those poisonous substances remain intact. The fact is non-smokers may end up in a worse condition than an actual smoker.

A chemical is present in cigarette smoke and the vapor emitted by an ecig, and that is nicotine. It's the one that makes smoking such an addicting act. Vaping provides the chemical in order to satisfy the craving of some people. The good news is the electronic cigarette user is free to choose how much nicotine should be in the e juice stored in the cartridge.

What's so nice about the use of an electronic cigarette is the owner has the freedom to choose how much nicotine he or she is consuming each time. On today's market, nicotine in e juice usually range from as high as 24 mg to as low as 6 mg. For those who no longer want to be addicted to the substance, they have the opportunity to purchase e juice with zero nicotine.

Other than the amount of dissolved nicotine present, e juice comes in a staggering selection of flavors. Some of the most popular ones are those that are based on fruits and beverages. Also, a lot of vapers prefer e juice variants that taste just like actual cigarette brands, allowing them to enjoy the ones that they used to light up but without the dangers involved.

An electronic cigarette does not cause the user to smell. That's because it emits water vapor and not smoke that clings to the skin, hair and clothes. Since the vaper doesn't reek, he or she can have improved self-confidence as well as social life. No one will mind talking to the person as he or she no longer suffers from smoker's breath many find offending.

Since ecigs work without the need to be lit up, there is no fire risk involved. The device may be used by the owner in bed or while slumped on the couch and still have peace of mind. Vaping may be carried out with drapes and wooden furniture pieces around and still the person can rest assured that he or she will not mess things up by leaving them with burn marks.

You may whip out your electronic cigarette in places where smoking is prohibited, even in enclosed areas. This has something to do with the fact that it won't leave the room smelly or potentially set the establishment on fire. Getting your dose of nicotine may be done while you are inside offices, airports, restaurants, coffee houses, shopping malls and others.

According to manufacturers, a cartridge filled with e juice gives the same number of puffs as a pack of actual cigarettes. It only means that vaping is a more cost-efficient habit compared to smoking. Because the vaper doesn't have to purchase lighters or ashtrays, more cash can be saved. The savings can quickly add up as there are no burned clothes to replace.

For an individual to fully enjoy all of these benefits, it's important for a high quality electronic cigarette to be used. Not all vaping devices currently on the market are cut from the same cloth. Some of them are excellent performers. Other products may only leave the person feeling frustrated, making him or her want to go back to smoking.

It cannot be denied that the use of an e cig offers so many benefits to a person who gives up smoking in exchange for this innovative device. It's a good idea for anyone who wants to try his or her hands on vaping to read reviews on the web before buying the product. Getting the recommendations of reliable people may also be done beforehand.

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