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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

By Harry Izzo

When one wants to make a good first impression one of the first things they care about is how their teeth appear. If meeting new people is difficult, most individuals blame how their teeth look. Over time our teeth get discolored or because of an accident we either lose them or damage them permanently. They act like a calling card and are the basis for people's first impression of us.

Many years ago when people lost their teeth and their only options were either dentures or bridges. While these temporarily fixed the issue, bridges were very hard to maintain. They were hard to floss and this increased the frequency of serious periodontal diseases. Bridges were not a permanent solution and they were the reason why people suffered from gum and bone diseases.

Dental implants were introduced a number of years ago and quickly became the preferred treatment over bridges. They were a more permanent solution to the problem and people took to them for this and many other reasons. They were cheaper, because replacing them occurs less often and they were made of more long-lasting material. Eating, speaking or chewing could be enjoyed as if they were your original set of teeth.

Dental implants are great because they never decay. And the surrounding teeth don't need to have crowns to hold them in place. This is a lot different than having bridges installed. The adjoining teeth never have the worry of becoming decayed and their crowns never have to be replaced.

Dental insurance does not cover implants and this makes the procedure more expensive. But on the positive side, implants last a long time because they are easy to take care of and maintain. Bridges may sound cheaper, but maybe if you're lucky they last the maximum of 10 years. If you're going to invest the money you might as well consider implants as the better option for you. Their success rate is very high and that makes them a very good investment.

Dental implants are suitable to everyone, but if you are diabetic or a smoker you have less of a chance of qualifying for this procedure. These sorts of patients have a lower blood supply that is essential in helping the implant fuse to your jawbone.

The odds of your success are also greatly increased by selecting the right cosmetic dentist for this procedure.

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