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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

By Julio Riess

A lot of folks complain of frequent headaches. The pain ranges from mild to extreme and can often send people for emergent care. There are a great number of people that suffer from this kind of discomfort. A Waterford chiropractor is able to help folks reduce or eliminate their pain using natural therapies.

Millions of dollars are spent each year for over the counter headache medication. Folks lose time from their jobs due to this kind of pain. A migraine can cause people to take to the bed for days because any movement will cause more pain and physical illness. Medications that are designed to alleviate or prevent headache may not be doing the job.

Spinal adjustments are typically very effective and last longer than medications. A chiropractic practitioner can offer people natural and non invasive therapy to decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms. Rather than using medicine that may cause side effects, folks are provided with natural remedy options such as spinal adjustment.

Most head pain is the result of tension in the muscles of the neck or a misaligned spine in the neck area. This can be the result of a sedentary life style and spending a lot of time in one position. Poor posture may also be a contributing factor. Joints can become increasingly irritated and muscles become tense in the neck and back causing pain in the head.

The chiropractic practitioner completes an exam and assessment to find the source of pain. When the cause is known, the chiropractor develops a therapy plan to alleviate the symptoms. This plan will typically include adjustments to the spine.

Proper spinal function will be restored as the pressure on the nerves is removed. The intensity of the symptoms is reduced without the use of drugs and invasive therapies. In addition, frequency of headache pain will be decreased significantly.

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