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Monday, December 2, 2013

By Stacey Monroe

There is nothing better than knowing the fundamental factors about breast augmentation before undergoing surgery. Basically, this process is vital when you want to change the size, shape, and texture of the breast without straining. Although reasons might differ, be advised that only qualified surgeons are able to you safely through the process.

The use of specific implants to achieve the desired effect is quite essential. Some of those that surgeons like to use include; silicone implants, saline and mixed type of implants. It is only highly qualified surgeons that know best to use the different implants.

If you want the whole process to be a success, then you need to consult from several sources. This will prevent damage of tissues or any other any other negative effect that might arise after the surgery is complete. Therefore your health thereafter is also of concern.

The consultation phase also plays a central role on deciding the type of incision that will be made. The three major incision types are the transaxillary, the naval and the inframammary crease. The purpose of the surgery actually is what determines the type of incision. Take for example the case of a woman body builder; she will need a different incision from that of a woman who has just had a cancerous tumor removed.

One of the common denominator that is applied during the surgery is anesthesia. The type to be used is solely based on the complexity of the surgery. However, in all cases the dosage is determined by the surgeon to ensure that the pain is drastically reduced. The whole process always takes 1-2hrs to be completed.

The total cost of the surgery undertaken is influenced by the type of implant to be used. These always vary in price due to quality. The other contributors to cost are the fees charged by the hospital, amount of money anesthesiologist and surgeons are willing to take, and type of surgery.

The recovery rate differs depending with the level of immunity of a particular patient and the type of medication that has been prescribed. All in all, patients are usually monitored to ascertain their progress after the surgery. In case of excess fluids, drainage tubes are inserted to get rid of the potentially harmful liquids. The adverse effects that might arise are well tackled by prescribing quality medication for the patient.

It has been scientifically proven that breast augmentation and cancer are not directly linked. It therefore means the whole process is safe and you can undergo it after consultations with qualified medics. However, always ensure that you involve your doctor in the whole process.

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