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Saturday, December 7, 2013

By Franklin Skribbit

In the information age, it has become much more common to be good at using your fingers rather than your hands to design, build, and create. Constructing a building requires physical labor, while constructing a website requires mental exertion which cannot come without first having studied how to do it. These days it has become a very valuable skill to have that can give you a stable job and a supportive income.

Start Applying

As an employee of the laboratory, you should understand what safety precautions you are entitled to inside the workplace. The following is a brief synopsis of the working conditions you should expect from your employer. Generally speaking, "Workers are entitled to working conditions that do not pose a risk of serious harm," according to OSHA's website. More specifically, OSHA requires the following of employers:

Make a Game Plan

All instructions must be given in a language employees can understand. If there are any hazardous chemicals being used the employer must create a written hazard statement explaining the situation and then he or she must train his or her employees on the matter. Medical examinations and training are required according to timelines outlines in OSHA's standards. The OSHA poster stating an employee's rights and responsibilities must be placed somewhere prominent in the laboratory for employees to review.


Just because you got your degree doesn't mean that learning should ever stop. There is too much at stake for that! Make sure that you are taking the time to learn new things every day and start seeking ways to receive advanced certification or skills that can set you apart from your peers.


Cited violations from an inspection must be posted at or near the offending work area until the violation is corrected or three working days have passed, whichever is longer. In addition, corrections must be made by the deadline given by OSHA representatives.

For those in laboratory training in Colorado Springs, make sure you understand the rights given to you by OSHA. Expect that they will be followed and pursue corrective action when they're not.

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