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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

By Dennis E. Price

An interesting question to ask yourself. How do people see you? Take for instance someone who is in their thirties but dresses and looks more like a forty year old. The person themselves may not think they look older than their years. It comes down to how old people think you are.

Dressing older may help in certain work place environments. Mostly this just aids peoples view that you are old fashioned. They don't think to look twice and see the real you stuck in a time rut. By just revamping your wardrobe and a visit to the beauty salon. You will notice the difference instantly. A youthful appearance will grace the world again.

Why don't you start with changes to your eyes. There are a number of different eye shadows on the market which can compliment your face. Focus on making your eyes look big by using a curler for those extra long lashes. Add a touch of eye liner around your eyes ending with a fabulous curvy line from the corner of your eyes outwards. Forget about glitter and shine this is fine for the stage but not in real life. Try adding some subtle colours to blend in with your hair and complexion.

Older women unfortunately start to acquire wrinkles on their faces. This is just one of the signs we are turning into our mothers. One good tip is to wear less make up than you did twenty years ago. The theory is wear more make up as this can hide a multitude of sins. The opposite is true because by wearing less you will be able to make the wrinkles less visible. Apply a light foundation by using a make up sponge then lightly dust with powder.

Applying a face mask at least once a week when you are older is vital. Younger women don't need to pay as much attention to exfoliating their skin as older women. A good idea would be to set up a beauty regime to clear all the dead skin cells.

Anyone who stays in a Mediterranean climate will know all too well the effect the sun plays on your skin. A Good piece of advise would be to apply a high factor sun screen to your face. This will help slow down the ageing effect. As we all know the sun increases our risk of cancer. A good idea would be to cover up and wear a hat in the hot sun.

The next change would be to try and think about revamping your hairstyle. Did you know just by changing your hair style you are able to look years younger. One long hair style can be a little bit drab looking. Why not invest in an up-to-date style which will improve your looks and make you feel younger.

All the small changes add up to a very a large revamp and everyone will notice the difference.

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