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Monday, December 30, 2013

By Zarif Stephanovich

Anyone who is trying to give up smoking will tell you how difficult it is, and that its a constant battle. Fortunately they now have several means to choose from, and it is no longer just a matter of will power. For a while there has been the nicotine replacement patch and various gums, but quite a new addition is the electronic cigarette.

It is probably safe to say that everyone acknowledges that smoking isn't good for anyone. Therefore anyone who is trying to give up should be given encouragement. Its often stated that it is the cocktail of chemicals and additives in tobacco which make it so addictive. However these cannot be the only reasons for people getting this habit.

There is something ritualistic about the process of smoking. Many smokers do seem to prefer to smoke at certain times, after a meal often being cited as one of these times. People claim that to successfully give up smoking, the habits associated with smoking should be avoided, yet no-one seems to have come up with a way in which a smoker can also give up meals. There are even more habits which a smoker will associate with smoking. These can include reaching for a packet, and searching bags and pocket for a lighter. All things which involve using the hands, something which wearing a patch alone cannot mimic. A lot of smokers claim that one of the most difficult things they faced when quitting was finding something to do with their hands.

The good news is that with the help of one of these devices this problem area is addressed. Some devices even look and feel a similar size to the very product you are trying to wean yourself away from. There are even models which will come in a normal type box.

Your regular routine need not be disrupted too much now if you choose to use this system. Many feel comforted just carrying round that all too familiar size packet with them. There are quite a few who have decided to try this system in tandem with another.

Even when a person is trying to quit they will still feel the urge to indulge their habit. Using this system, a person still has to reach for the packet, open it and withdraw a device. These are all actions which would normally be carried out if they were smoking. So the problem of what to do with the hands has also been addressed.

The device has a heating element built in, and it is a liquid passing over this which produces the smoke. The liquids are available in two ways, either as a disposable cartridge or a refill bottle. They will produce a variety of flavors, and some will even taste just like some popular tobacco brands.

An electronic cigarette is a useful tool for those attempting to quit. They are extremely effective at helping people achieve their aim of quitting. If they don't work as a sole solution try them alongside something like patches.

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