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Friday, December 6, 2013

By Tiffany Gill

A crucial area for understanding the optimal need of the individual is through patient education. Being diagnosed with a condition is a hard pill to swallow. A team of medical professionals is given the task of assisting the subject in this turning point. This is a process and it has to be explained with the proper emotion.

Once you have assessed his needs, check on his concerns and readiness to learn. Ask about his preferences and emotional support. There can be a lot of barriers to learning and you need break them so you can provide optimal care.

The team should work hand in hand to gain his trust and cooperation. Include the patient in the planning and allow him to choose his support group. Develop realistic information and projects with him. Choose the best source of teaching that fits best with the client and his needs. Do not repeat information that he already knows about if it is a sensitive issue to tackle.

Grieving is a process so give him the time to take in the new data presented. Teach him to learn new skills or modify his lifestyle so he can turn this into habit. Ask him about the things he want so you can create materials based on this. Be wise enough to choose the right method.

Find out how he likes to learn. Be realistic with your goals. Focus on the things he will need to know right away and the positive things about the condition. Pay attention to his concerns. Fear is a common emotion before a skill can be taught to the client.

Stop to respect their limitations and perform it when they are ready. Be delicate enough to understand how to provide the needed data without crossing the border. Organize specific details that you can provide knowing that he is already capable of knowing it. Adjust the data plan according to the circumstances that will come up. The changes may vary from different areas of his personality.

Environmental factors can also hinder his understanding with regards to his need for privacy. Focus on the basic things that needs to be covered during the discussion. Study on the things that are useful and the reason behind this. Measure the time that it will take to expect certain results in the project. Give him a copy of early signs that will warn him about his condition.

Leave a list of contact numbers he needs to reach for any questions and concerns. There are a lot of ways to deliver guest education. You can utilize the one is to one teaching which often comes with a demonstration. Try to use other analogies or word pictures that will explain the process.

Bring other sources like magazines and printed pictures. Some use podcast to help them listen to the needed data. Create a power point presentation that will be connected to the condition he is experiencing. Patient education is very helpful and informational. Before you start, measure his ability to learn with his educational and cultural background. Study the things you need to teach so you will not be surprised what may come up.

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