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Thursday, January 17, 2019

By John Perry

For those that play sports as a hobby, elite athletes and everyone in between playing puts one at risk of suffering injuries. While this may be the case, there are ways to reduce your chances of getting hurt whenever you enter the gym or get in the field to play. In case you are wounded, a competent Wilmington DE sports injury chiropractor can help diagnose and treat your concern.

Doing warm ups can reduce your risk of injuring a joint or muscle when working out. The surest way of getting wounded is by shocking your muscles with sudden planks or sprints. It is always best to prepare your body by stretching and jogging a little. A proper warm up session can take as little as five minutes.

Sports injuries can also be triggered by overuse. In other words, overtraining is just as dangerous as remaining inactive for months. For most people, sporting and exercising is exciting and there are instances where one just feels like going on for hours on end. The safe way to increase your workload is by doing it gradually in a manner that will not put too much stress on your muscles, tissues and joints.

Once you are done with your workouts, take the time to cool down. This should again take between 5 and 10 minutes. Also engage in some stretching exercises to boost your muscle health and generally ensure that you are not at risk of avoidable injuries. Stopping suddenly will cause the buildup of lactic acid in your muscles and this causes muscle tightness. When the muscles are tight, they are at greater risk of tearing during subsequent training sessions.

Your body requires proper fueling for it to withstand the pressure of playing a sport. Regardless of the sport you engage in or your workout preferences, eating the right diets and remaining properly hydrated is a must. It is normal for muscles to get punctured during workouts and you want to ensure that they get the nutrients needed for the affected cells to get rejuvenated.

You need to take plenty of water before your workout sessions. It is also important to take small amounts of water before and right after intensive exercises. You should also ascertain that your diets are rich with vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Even if your intentions are to lose weight, you must not starve yourself. There are healthy ways of shedding unwanted fat without necessarily going on a hunger strike.

Having adequate time to rest will also boost your muscle health and reduce your risk of getting hurt. Chiropractors recommend finding an entire day within the week when you can just rest. Another option is to get your exercising routines spaced out for you to avoid overusing certain muscle groups. Resting will give your body the time it needs to repair stressed or punctured tissues.

You need to embrace the RICE method the instance you get injured. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. In case of just a minor injury, take it easy until the pain goes away and you feel better. If the injury is major, you owe yourself the favor of visiting a chiropractor sooner than later.

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