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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

By Carlene Eriksson

If you live with back pain, especially the chronic kind, then you know how desperate someone can get when they try to find a way to alleviate the pain. Did you know that relief does not have to involve expensive prescription drugs that have harmful side effects? Did you know that natural herbs, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic adjustments, or a combination of homeopathic options can bring you the relief you have been looking for?

Not being able to do the day to day things that you used to take for granted is perhaps the most painful part of backaches. You may be told by your doctor to try different infused oils, herbs and supplements. These can have a variety of effects, including helping to calm your nerve endings so they don't flare up, and reducing swelling and inflammation.

Though many people have never tried acupuncture, those who do swear by it. The needles are strategically placed on your body to help alleviate pressure points and give you less achiness. With one or more sessions, you may feel really great, and ready to get back to your life. It is finally starting to become a mainstream practice that more and more people are trying.

If needles are not your thing, fret not. There are still several non-invasive alternatives to surgery. One is massage, which you may have already had before. The rubbing of the muscles turns them from tense to relaxed, allowing your body to slow down and feel better.

One type of doctor who you can turn to for help is a chiropractor, who tries everything other than surgery first. They can give you a series of spinal manipulations that put your bones in place and align your spine to give you relief. These manipulations also help ensure that blood and oxygen are flowing through your body properly and that your hormone levels are regulated to improve your movements.

A Norwalk headache doctor can help, so don't hesitate to visit one so you can help you get back to enjoying your life fully once more!

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