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Thursday, November 17, 2016

By Matt Chaderia

Low back pain is common among people in our society. However, people are often unaware of what causes lower back pain and how their behavior exacerbates the problem.

Sudden movements and turning the body the wrong way can lead to medical issues with your back. Slipped discs, ligament strain, muscle tears, degenerative disc disease, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction are also linked to serious back pain.

When the spinal column is misaligned, it can cause muscle tension, pinched nerves, joint pain, muscle spasms, and stiffness in the back. Most people believe the back pain will disappear after a few days. They may take pain medication and put a heating pad or ice pack on the part of the back that is sore. The aches and pains could last for weeks or months if it isn't taken care of by a skilled chiropractor.

Spinal manipulation relieves pain and helps the patient function better. Some patients feel a reduction of the pain and stiffness immediately while others may not notice an improvement in their back until they've had several sessions with the chiropractor.

Spinal adjustments increase blood flow to the affected area and reduce inflammation. The chiropractor helps the patient's body heal naturally by utilizing acupuncture, water therapy, physical therapy, yoga, and corrective exercises.

It takes awhile to adjust to lifestyle changes. Those who want a lifestyle change must think about how they can live life differently from the foods they eat and basic everyday body movements. They must be mindful of the simplest actions like exiting their car properly, so misalignment of vertebrae does not occur.

The person must be devoted to healthy lifestyle changes. Being fiercely motivated to enter onto a different path, offers a lifetime of improved health and wellness with the assistance of chiropractic services.

A Seattle chiropractor can work closely with your primary care physician. By having an in-depth understanding of your health issues and medical history, a chiropractor will be able to use techniques that improve your quality of life.

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