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Monday, November 21, 2016

By David Jackson

Children can go through issues that range from a little stress at school to bullying and even bone cancer, which can obviously be hugely traumatic. It is at times like this when child and adolescent therapy Orange CA is needed to help them get through the day. Children are different from adults because they feel as if they are unable to ask for help, and they grow up with a lot of unpleasant memories.

In saying this, it is important that children find the right therapist. Of course, connection and experience is very important, but it is the connection that counts at the end of the day. This is going to help the child to express their feelings because of the trust that has been established. Children just need someone to talk to, such as a caring and compassionate psychologist.

Sometimes, children will find themselves in a situation where parents are getting a divorce or becoming separated. It can rip the family apart. They may find themselves moving to another city and changing schools. They will have to adjust to a new situation. In some cases, their personality will be affected. They can become withdrawn and isolated. It will affect them as an adult.

A child who has suddenly become shy and prefers not to go out and socialize may be suffering from social anxiety disorder or low levels of self esteem. This can also relate to bullying and cause the child to lack confidence. Social anxiety will often develop at this time in a child's life. This is why one needs to watch out for the signs where they start to change.

Some children will not be able to focus as long. It will depend on their age as well as the situation. Younger children may benefit from going to a play therapist. Children who have been through a lot of trauma in their lives may not be as expressive. They can benefit from creative therapy. This can come in the form of art or music, for example. It can create a great sense of freedom after the session.

Children and adolescents don't get the attention that they deserve. It is important that they deal with their emotions and feelings at this age. A lot of kids even turn to drinking and drugs as a form of comfort because it tends to numb the pain. Parents often discipline them, but they need to look at the deeper issues, and find out what the problems are.

Children will also express their feelings in a number of different ways. Some kids will become violent and turn to vandalism. Others will withdraw and lose interest in activities and hobbies that they once enjoyed. They may refuse to socialize with friends and family members. Parents need to take note of this, because this is often when more severe problems develop, and they need to be addressed.

Parents also need to be patients because this is a slow process. It can take more time for kids to open up and express themselves. This is a stranger that they are talking to and often they have trust issues which become difficult to handle. However, over time, parents will usually see a change in personal growth as well as behavior. This can be rewarding for both the child as well as for the parents.

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