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Monday, November 14, 2016

By Sharon Jones

As people transition from teenage to adulthood, many changes take place in the body and one of these changes is the growing of molar teeth. They are the last ones to grow and are found at the back of the mouth. When they are growing, they have a tendency to cause problems for people, hence the reason why Wisdom Teeth Extraction Northshore services are important.

So as to fully understand the benefits that come with removing a wisdom tooth, it is helpful to first understand the problems that they are likely to cause. These teeth are painless, and given their unobtrusive nature, they are easily ignored. However, asymptomatic molars are likely to wreak havoc on the gums and cause periodontal disease. Here are some of the benefits that come with extraction of wisdom tooth.

Due to combination of limited space and partial impactions, these molars often result to gum inflammation. This condition may cause painful gum diseases among other health hazards. Studies show that once inflammation occurs, chances of alleviating it are very low and it easily spreads to the surrounding areas. In addition, when a tooth gets partially impacted, a separation between it and the gums can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

There are individuals who are lucky enough to have awesome dental formulas. They may have spent huge amounts of money to acquire their looks, but when the molars start to grow, these individuals always face a tough time. As the molars force themselves to fit in their space, they may displace others resulting in one having crooked and misaligned teeth.

In some cases, people do not get to feel pain or develop any problems as the last molars grow, but this should not mean that everything is okay. In the long run, due to the limited spacing between teeth, getting around into the tight spaces while cleaning the mouth becomes difficult, and this allows room for plaque and cavities to build up slowly without detection.

Once you have got your third molar extracted, healing may take at least two weeks. Apart from temporary bleeding, swelling, discomfort, and bruising that are common after surgery, most patients make a quick recovery. In order to prevent potential problems that may arise once the tooth is removed, the following aftercare should be adopted for a quick recovery.

One must strive to achieve full rest and doing tough activities is not advised. One should talk less, eat food that can be easily chewed and avoid habits such as smoking. Activities that involve the mouth moving are likely to cause more bleeding inside the mouth. Drinks should be taken with a straw so that they go directly to the throat.

Once done with the surgery, your mouth is likely to feel stiff, due to this stiffness, you will not feel like opening your mouth. However, it is important to do so, or else, the stiffness may end up becoming permanent. When you first open your mouth after the surgery, ensure that you do so slowly and gently in order to ease the pain.

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