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Saturday, January 9, 2016

By Lance Aldinger

Hip pain not only makes it difficult to walk, but it can also make it hard for people to sit comfortably. Consulting with a Crofton chiropractor is a safe and easy way to get relief from this issue. This professional can determine and address the source of your discomfort so that you can move beyond merely muting pain to actually resolving the underlying problem.

More often than not, joint pain is due to poor spinal alignment. Once the spine is no longer aligned correctly, people stop moving and using their bodies the way that they should. This can place undue stress on the joints, leading to inflammation and pain.

Manual adjustment therapies are often used to resolve spinal subluxations. During these efforts, chiropractors slowly move the vertebrae back into alignment. This is often necessary after a slip and fall injury has been sustained or after a car crash.

Various options in chiropractic equipment can promote increased relief across the affected areas. As an example, joint pain can be alleviated by ultrasound equipment. This type of therapy deeply penetrates the affected joints and can alleviate swelling and reduce the associated discomfort.

When subluxations have lead to nerve compression, your care can also include inversion table therapy. By inverting the body, it is possible to reduce spinal pressure and easily shift the displaced vertebrae back into their rightful positions. This will make manual adjustment efforts more efficient and far more effective as well.

When joint pain and inflammation exists, muscles surrounding the joint can become overworked. Many chiropractors provide massage services to alleviate the tension that has built in muscles that are overcompensating. With an integrated plan of care, you'll get fast, effective and all-natural relief. You can also become far less reliant upon any store-bought or prescription medications that you are using as part of your pain management plan.

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