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Thursday, January 21, 2016

By George Brooks

When a person physically hurts, regardless of the intensity, the need to seek relief tends to become a priority. This is especially true when the discomfort is centered around an individual's spine. Those in the Seattle, WA area have many different options of how they might alleviate or reduce the intensity of their back pain issues.

In many cases an over the counter drug is a quick fix and provides short term relief. For those situations where the discomfort is more intense, like after an accident or injury, one may need to consult with their doctor regarding a prescription medication. While these products may be effective for temporary alleviation, a lot of people try to avoid it because there is a high risk of undesirable side effects.

Chiropractic care is an alternative form of health services that utilizes techniques that are all natural. This type of classification means that they do not employ the use of pharmaceutical of any form and never perform invasive procedures such as surgeries. Their primary means of alleviation a technique known as manual spinal manipulation, which is a physical readjustment of the spinal vertebrae to relieve the pressure a misalignment may be putting on one's nerves or muscles.

There are other alternative types of treatment one may undergo in order to get relief without resorting to surgery or drugs. One such option is that of therapeutic massage, which can help stimulate the muscles and increase the blood flow to the tissue, prompting improved flexibility, healing and easing soreness. People who also find that ancient techniques such as acupressure or acupuncture to be quite effective at providing an acceptable amount of alleviation.

As an easy short term, non invasive measure, a lot of people opt to use cold and hot therapy at home. Within the initial 48 hours following an injury, in particularly one involving strained muscles, the application of an ice pack is generally most effective. After that, heat is often the best option as it encourages the opening of vessels, allowing the blood to flow more freely to the vessels and tissue that surround and support the spine.

This type of discomfort typically causes most people to thing they need to be as still as possible, though certain movements can be more beneficial. Some exercises are designed to strengthen and stretch muscles while easing tension and strain. To be safe, one should consult with their physician prior to starting any physical routine, including Pilates, yoga and swimming.

In the most extreme cases, especially those where an accident or injury has caused extensive damage, a physician may recommend surgery as the most viable option of relief. This is often the last resort because it is both invasive and poses some risk, particularly when the spine is involved. It also typically requires one to use pharmaceuticals during recovery to manage the post-op discomfort.

There are a number of relief options available to anyone who suffers this kind of discomfort, no matter what their intensity level may be. While many of the choices are only effective in the short term, there are a few that can result in total recovery. The circumstances for each person's case are unique, so a physician's advice is always a good idea.

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