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Sunday, June 14, 2015

By April Briggs

Every parent wants to have proper health care for their child. Finding good pediatricians New Albany IN is possible if research is carefully done. It is well worth the time. This is an area in which you don't want to compromise.

It goes without saying that qualifications reign supreme. There are minimal requirements. Thus, they must be checked and testimonials obtained. Ask your other physicians their opinions. The best practitioners are certified by the AAP (the American Board of Pediatrics) and they have passed certain critical exams. Members use the designation FAAP after their names. If you don't see it, ask. These doctors also specialize according to a child's particular needs and you will want either a generalist or one with unique expertise.

Once you've narrowed it down to two or three choices, you are ready to start asking specific questions. First and foremost, you'll want to ask how long they've been practicing, if you can't find the information somewhere else. You'll also want to know their child care philosophy, including their thoughts on breastfeeding, circumcision, alternative medicine, vaccinations, sleep and discipline issues.

Find out if they're part of a group practice -- if not, you'll want to ask who covers for the doctor when he or she is away. If the doctor is part of group, find out the backgrounds of the other doctors in the practice. Ask how long appointments usually last (the average is twenty minutes), and what the office hours are.

It also provides other specialties at the same location so it is pertinent to find out what they are. Office hours may vary so you may want to select the one with the broadest range. Length of appointments also is an indicator of professional care.

Each doctor is on-call certain days of the week or month. Do nurses handle emergencies as well? Find out the details and how you will be charged. You want to be ready when the time comes.

The doctor is not the only object of scrutiny. Look at the office, its appearance and how it is managed. Who is running the show? Is it near your home? A priority should be given to a local physician whenever possible. Furthermore, the waiting room should be clean and orderly and waiting time kept to a minimum. How do they handle contagious diseases? You can see that there are many areas of concern to heed including staff attitude and friendliness. Care is a priority but these are close seconds.

Above all, it is important to remember that you should select a doctor covered by your insurance company to avoid unnecessary personal expenditure. Some offices accept multiple policies. If you really want a particular highly-recommended physician not covered, you may opt for a payment plan. Ask if this is an option. Of additional importance is the hospital affiliation in case surgery or a stay becomes possible. A local hospital is desired with open visiting hours. It should be the preference of recognized specialists.

Finding a good doctor for your child is one of the most important choices you will make in regard to your child's health. Take time to do research and find a doctor you are happy with. You will be working with the person for years to come.

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