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Thursday, October 24, 2013

A proxy or proxy server ( in English ) is a computer or a module that serves as an intermediary between a Web browser and Internet .

Most of the time the proxy server is used for the web, then it is an HTTP proxy . However there may be proxy servers for each application protocol (FTP , SSL, ... ) .

How does a proxy ?

The use of proxies is commonplace to access a site restricted to certain IP addresses, or to escape the HTTP filter from the company or to surf anonymously .
For example, I 'm at work and during my break from 10am I want to go for a ride on facebook, can not display the page because my business is to install a firewall that prevents me access Facebook. Hop, I pass by a small proxy and I can finally see my notifications.


Here's a free proxy HTTP Request

By typing an address like http://www.funinformatique.com/index.php , your computer will connect to the server and ask www.funinformatique.com the index.php page .

HTTP Request with Proxy

With the use of a proxy, when you type http://www.funinformatique.com/index.php , your computer will connect to the proxy and asked him to fetch the page on the server www.funinformatique.com .

How to use a Sweden proxy?

We will see in this article how to properly use a proxy in different browsers Internet Explorer , Firefox , Chrome, to change, modify its IP address.

Proxy with Firefox

To use a proxy in Firefox , nothing more simple. In fact I propose two simple and effective methods :

 The first method is to manually configure the proxy
 The second is to use a Firefox addon .


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