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Thursday, October 24, 2013

By Sandra Nash

As a result of the importance attached to nails by many societal factors, many people could go through their lives not knowing what a nail fungus infection is and how common this infection occurs worldwide. As the name implies, nail fungus affects the area below the toenails and the fingernails. By reason of its location, it is often difficult to diagnose and reach for cure. Fungus needs warm, moist and dark places to survive hence, nail fungus affect the toenails more readily than the fingernails. It is common to notice that people who live in temperate climates and wear covered shoes regularly are prone to fungus infection. The fungus finds its way under the nails and with the right conditions breeds there.

You have several choices when it comes to treating your fungus problem. A lot of individuals will go to their doctor to get treatment. He may prescribe an antifungal lacquer that is painted on the affected nails.

This is applied once a day and after seven days of application you removed the layers of lacquer with rubbing alcohol and start over with fresh applications. This treatment can take up to a year to eliminate the nail fungi.

The symptoms of fungus infections are flaky or brittle nails, colored spots on the nails, thickness of nails, foul smell, etc.

Another home remedy is the use of apple cider vinegar. There are so many diseases that can be cured by this ingredient. It works best with infections and bacteria.

Since this infection is contagious, the key as applied to other infectious micro-organisms is to control and eliminate the spread as early as possible.

The most common home-based nail fungus treatment includes:

* Listerine - soaking the infected nails twice daily in this antiseptic mouthwash kills the fungus present under the nails. * Vinegar - soaking the infected nails in a solution of vinegar and warm water twice daily.

Researchers are not sure why this remedy works but hundred of individuals have used it with great success. Simply apply the Vicks to the affected nails once a day. The best time to do this is at night because Vicks can produce a strong odor.

Vaporubs have also been said to be effective in relieving the discomfort caused by nail infections while the nails grow out

The toenails and fingernails should be dried thoroughly after each fungus treatment to prevent fungus from breeding again afterwards.

This listed best nail fungus treatments can be used by everyone. If you do not like to have problems like these, the best thing to do is prevent it from occurring. Just keep your nails clean at all times, and you are sure free from any infections.

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