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Monday, August 19, 2013

By Pittey More

Your smile will make a lasting first impression, so discoloration and staining can be distressing for people. The good news is that you can whiten your teeth using a wide variety of different methods. Below you'll find some excellent ideas on teeth whitening techniques; one of which may work best for you!

If excessive gum sensitivity occurs when the two hour teeth whitening strips are used, try those that only need to be applied for half an hour instead. It may take more time for your teeth to get eventually white, but sore gums are not a usual 'side effect' of teeth whitening.

Your dentist can do teeth whitening with a laser. This is probably the fastest way you'll be able to have the whitest smile possible. They will put bleach on your teeth, and then a laser will whiten them. Your teeth will look much whiter than before, by up to five magnitudes.

Strips that whiten your teeth are inexpensive and can be found nearly anywhere. You simply put on the strip for a short period of time to help lighten your teeth. Even though whitening strips were trendy for a little bit, they are now losing their popularity because they don't provide good results.

One little known teeth whitening home concoction is coconut oil. Swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for about 10 minutes each day, is a highly effective way to whiten your teeth. After approximately 10 minutes, you should spit this out of your mouth and proceed to brush your teeth like normal. You could see results in less than a week.

Use baking soda to brush your teeth instead of regular toothpaste. The whitening effects of this natural remedy will surely please you. To avoid irritating your gums, brush your teeth very gently whenever you use baking soda.

In order to prevent discolored teeth, you should immediately brush them after consuming a meal. Some foods and beverages will stain your teeth, so promptly brushing is essential to preventing stains from setting. Coffee is at the top of this list.

Routine tooth brushing is an important part of maintaining a gleaming smile. If you do not brush your teeth after every meal, food particles can attach to your teeth causing stains. By brushing your teeth regularly, you can eliminate your worries about discoloration.

It is so important that whenever you get your teeth whitened, after every meal you must brush your teeth. Food can cause bacteria to grow on your teeth. If your teeth haven't yet been cleaned, they can be damaged by bacteria growth, so remember to brush them.

You should keep in mind that dental crowns respond differently to whitening treatments than your natural teeth. Make sure that before you start the teeth whitening process, your crowns are not visible because this will cause your teeth to appear unevenly colored. If this is the case then you should speak with your dentist to find out how to whiten teeth, and keep your color consistent.

You should not consume dark tea and coffee, or smoke. If you do, your teeth will end up a nasty brown color. If you decide that you absolutely must have your daily coffee intake, try to brush your teeth as soon as you can after consuming the coffee. Drinking coffee and tea and smoking cigarettes are the primary causes of discolored teeth.

Even though it's promoted as an oral hygiene product, mouthwash might be hurting your teeth and your teeth whitening efforts. All of the alcohol and excess chemicals that are present in mouthwash cause yellowish stains, because they remove the enamel on your teeth that keeps them white. Talk to your dentist about which mouthwash he recommends for your situation.

If you are trying to get whiter teeth, you should have regular dental cleaning appointments. Your dentist is right when he insists on the need for your teeth to be cleaned regularly. Cleaning whitens your teeth by removing plaque and stains. See your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings.

You will probably have to cut your coffee intake way back, if not eliminate it entirely , if you really want to get the whitest smile possible. As hard as this may be for many people, coffee is a primary cause of yellow teeth and by consistently drinking it you are just causing more teeth discoloration. One suggestion is to substitute hot chocolate for coffee.

Using an electric toothbrush is a great way to make your smile a little brighter by giving you whiter teeth. These gadgets have the ability to clean the stains off of your teeth that are caused by foods, tobacco and dark colored beverages. They also help clear up yellowness from your teeth's surface.

Rubbing your teeth gently with walnut tree bark can help to whiten your teeth. Using the bark regularly can remove existing stains and discolorations from teeth as well as the yellowish film common with tobacco use or certain beverages. Over time, your teeth become whiter and brighter as stains and discoloration are removed.

Wine and soda should be eliminated from your diet as much as possible. Both of these can cause teeth discoloration, so an easy way to brighten your smile would be to avoid these drinks. If you must have them, though, brush your teeth as soon as possible after consuming them. This will give them little time to stain the teeth too badly.

These bits of food will get caught in your teeth and leave stains. Sugar free gum is a really good way to avoid stains.

The last thing anyone wants is to be embarrassed by their smile, especially when the first feature people notice about you is the smile on your face. When you don't have white teeth it is likely you will feel self-conscious and avoid smiling. The tips you learn from this article should help you figure out what it takes to get a whiter smile before you know it.

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