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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

By Carmella Isenhour

Healthy feet provide a good base on which a person is able to stand and walk. With the growing popularity of pedicures, there are some tips to keep in mind, whether having the work done at home or at a nail salon. Keeping the feet healthy ensures the pedicure looks its best. A Findlay podiatrist offers the following tips.

Those who have poor circulation in the feet, especially diabetics should take time to consult with the doctor before having a pedicure. There are certain procedures that are commonly used in salons that should be avoided for diabetics. The risk of infection is too great for procedures that involve cutting of the skin or cuticles. Diabetics must protect their feet even when having them made beautiful.

Try asking for the first appointment slot of the day to reduce the chances of infection. Foot baths are often cleaned at the end of the day and allowed to dry overnight, killing bacteria. Later in the day, especially if it gets hectic, they may be dirty. Be sure the salon you select filters the solution and cleans the tub between clients.

Try to bring your own set of tools to the salon. Do not loan these tools to anyone else. If they are not properly sterilized between clients, fungal and bacterial infections move easily to the next user. Once these infections affect the feet or the nails, they are difficult to eliminate.

While it is tempting to shave the legs before a pedicure, one should resist the urge. Shaving can leave small nicks and cuts on the legs that can become access points for bacteria. Once the pedicure is complete, you will have plenty of time to shave your legs safely.

Pedicures can be a relaxing way to pamper oneself. Before heading to a favorite salon, be sure precautions are in place to protect foot health. Speak with a Findlay podiatrist to ensure the procedures being used are safe, especially if there are other health concerns.

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