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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

By Marcos Reddish

The development of warts is a common occurrence leaving many frustrated and embarrassed in determining which methods are available to assist in addressing the type and causes for such growths. These conditions are relatively harmless as the bumps will often shrink over a period of time; however, for those who are struggling with such problems it can prove most uncomfortable and unappealing. There are numerous wart removal procedures available to assist individuals seeking efficient alternatives.

The more common and non-threatening warts that develop can be easily removed. Plantar growths will pose more of a difficulty as it develops on the bottom of the feet and will hinder normal walking motions or make wearing of shoes uncomfortable. Individuals may present with clusters or a single bump that could be the result of a virus.

When a wart does not disappear with time, increases in pain and reappears it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist. In the event the growth has been caused by a virus medication may be prescribed in order to fade the raised abnormalities. The doctor may advise on a topical application or injection that is compatible with skin requirements for faster results.

Some of the more popular alternatives include cryotherapy and lasers for adults and teens. The process of cryotherapy involves the injecting of liquid nitrogen into the growth in order to destroy the abnormal tissue. Once the area has dried it will simply fall off and is a relatively painless procedure.

A modern alternative involves the application of laser therapy, which is mostly used for stubborn warts. It is also an efficient process involving the burning of the tissue through very concentrated heat as well as light technology. The dermatologist may apply anesthetic to the area to relieve possible discomfort, but it is largely a comfortable process.

The procedure known as electrocautery is one where a relative amount of electricity is delivered through the body with the aim of removing the targeted warts. The abnormal tissue responds to the current by drying out and eventually falling off of the skin. This is another safe alternative that will not result in excessive bleeding.

With wart removal procedures a dermatologist can advise on suitable methods. Once a physical assessment of the area has been implemented, the practitioner will develop affordable and compatible solutions. Where a fair amount of research has been performed, it can aid in understanding associated benefits as well as risks involved.

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