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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

By David Green

Even though we may know of the destruction that modern living has on the environment, deciding to start environmentally friendly habits is sometimes difficult to do. However, more and more schools and workplaces are putting in an effort to become more environmentally responsible. For instance, solar energy is getting to be more widespread as the cost of installing systems drops. We can't all be investing in solar panels, but there are plenty of additional things that the rest of us can adopt to benefit the environment. One such idea is to support organic clothing by choosing to purchase and wear it whenever possible.

You might be familiar with the idea of organic food, but you might not be so familiar with organic clothing. Just what is it? Whenever we refer to organic items, we mean the ones that do not contribute artificial chemicals to the water and soil. This helps encourage biodiversity within the environment.

Non-organic cotton is the most extensively used textile, and sadly it is also the crop with the single largest negative impact on the ecosystem. Did you know that 25% of all pesticides are used on cotton crops?

Organic cotton, on the other hand, is produced with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Rather, the cotton is grown through natural means. Other organic materials such as hemp and bamboo are also eco friendly sources for organic clothing.

One big benefit of organic clothing should be that it is more mild on your skin. Since the fibers don't contain traces of harmful chemicals, they shouldn't cause skin allergies. Additionally, bamboo fabric is naturally resistant to bacteria.

Any time we use organic clothing, we cut down on the number of chemical pollutants slipping into the ecosystem. Traditional farming causes large amounts of harmful chemicals to get into the topsoil and pass along to our water. This is a major source of health problems in these times. But when we choose organic clothing, we are encouraging the efforts of organic agriculture which don't harm the ecosystem.

Many organic clothing fabrics such as hemp and bamboo are very durable. They will hold up to numerous washings and last longer than clothing from ordinary fabrics.

Whenever we opt to purchase environmentally responsible garments, we are doing a good thing for all the employees who grow textile crops. Their communities and families are safe from exposure to a toxic build up of chemicals that originates from irresponsible farming methods.

When you consider all of these good points, we should not be surprised that even more clothing designers are shifting over to putting out organic lines.

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