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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

By Patrick Mitchell

One cannot help but marvel at the astonishing speed with which the medical field leaps forward. New medicines, new procedures, new instruments and novel treatment methods seem to be introduced almost daily. Many previously deadly diseases are now perfectly curable. At present, it seems that bone marrow transplants are the new hope for a very major medical breakthrough. Stem cell treatment centers exist already and they are ready for the future.

Bone marrow transplants are have been done for some time. Now, for the first time, however, new research show that the potential of this treatment techniques may be much more far reaching than previously thought. Previously, only patients suffering from blood related diseases such as leukaemia were considered for this type of treatment. Their chemo treatments destroyed their blood cells and marrow transplants encouraged the growth of new cells.

It is not true that bone marrow transplant is a cure for any disease. Thus far, it was simply effective in adding some years to the life expectancies of cancer patients. Researchers are confident, however, that this will change and that bone marrow transplants will become a cure for many different diseases. Progress is frustratingly slow, however, because of the complexity of the research procedures involved.

The main characteristic of these transplants are that it promotes the growth of new cells. Once this can be done successfully, diseases like Parkinson and Alzheimer will be conquered because the damaged brain cells will simply be replaced with healthy ones. Transplants will also be used to treat physical brain injuries and many different types of spine injury.

Heart Disease is one of the biggest killers on the planet. Millions of people suffer from some form of heart problem. This is why this field is another focus point for bone marrow transplant researchers. If damages heart muscles, valves and arteries can be repaired by growing new ones, then many millions of people will be able to gain a new lease on life.

Unfortunately, the whole issue of bone marrow transplants is at the centre of controversy. Critics say that these transplants are dangerous. Moreover, they point out that it is common practice to use the blood taken from the umbilical cords of unborn babies to perform these transplants. This poses an enormous moral dilemma. Women may even decide to become pregnant for the sole purpose of making money from their unborn babies.

Critics also say that researchers are making far too many claims far too early. There has been no major breakthrough yet, says the critics, and it will be many years until such breakthroughs can be expected. Unfortunately, the hype created by researchers also create expectations that will never be fulfilled. Critics say that this is misleading both the public and the funders of medical research.

Nobody can yet say for sure whether bone marrow transplants will be the next major medical miracle. One thing is certain, however, and that is that there are certainly many exciting prospects for these transplants. For the sake of ill patients, one hopes that the research pays off.

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