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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

By Anna Stevens

Sleep apnea is a really common and very serious form of sleeping disorder. Experts say that approximately 22 million individuals in the United States do suffer from it. A highly popular and effective approach to managing it to keep at bay its various health complications is the utilization of oral devices like what's known as the continuous positive air pressure or CPAP device. Also, experts highly suggest some easy dietary tips for sleep apnea relief to attain a more natural method of managing the issue. Below are some of the most helpful ones.

Add oily fish to the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are present abundantly in sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel, halibut and tuna. Medical authorities say that omega 3 fatty acids have anti inflammatory properties, and that is why they can help in keeping the airways from being obstructed. These healthy fats are also present in nuts, seeds and eggs.

Brew ginger tea. It is confirmed by the experts that ginger tea is very good for people who suffer from the sleeping disorder as it helps keep the airways open because of its anti inflammatory abilities. What's more, drinking this herbal beverage at bedtime is known to considerably help reduce snoring.

Add fiber packed foods to the diet. A really important step that has to be taken by anybody who is diagnosed with the sleeping disorder is to drop unwanted pounds. It's highly recommended for the individual to include a lot of fiber rich foods in the everyday diet as it promotes weight reduction. Additionally, it may significantly help lower risk of heart disease, which is an evidently very serious matter that people with sleep apnea may suffer from one day.

Reach for some cherries. According to nutrition experts, cherries supply the body with melatonin, a type of hormone that is capable of promoting some shut eye. Consuming tart cherry juice before going to bed is recommended by medical professionals to facilitate a rejuvenating kind of sleep. Aside from cherries, you can also get good doses of the said hormone from broccoli, cucumbers, corn, asparagus, grapes, olives, and various types of nuts and seeds.

Don't forget turkey and chicken. There is a type of amino acid that helps the body to produce more melatonin, and it's called tryptophan. Experts say that impressive amounts of it can be obtained from turkey and chicken. Sea foods are also excellent sources of it. Vegetarians may turn to nuts, beans and whole grains for their supply of tryptophan.

Consume foods high in calcium. Other than toughening up the bones and teeth, the mineral calcium also partakes in melatonin production. The consumption of foods rich in it, needless to say, can help in the management of the sleeping disorder. Some excellent sources of calcium include dark green leafy veggies, canned sardines and low fat dairy.

Avoid foods that are high in fat. Those who have the sleeping disorder should considerably reduce their intake of fatty foods. It's for the fact that doctors suggest for them to lose weight because being overweight can certainly make the problem worse. To make it easier to attain a more ideal weight, a low fat diet should be paired with regular exercise.

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