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Friday, March 16, 2018

By Emilia Kibbe

One of the most common myths about car accidents is that it takes a very extensive impact for people to sustain injuries. This is actually far from the truth. Even a very minor fender bender can cause significant neck and body pain. From wrenched backs to whiplash, car accidents can cause all degrees and types of pain as well as many different forms of injury. You could be left reeling from the pain of even a very minor crash for several months, while struggling with a range of mobility and functional issues.

However, with the help of your local chiropractor, pain and tension can be reversed quickly, naturally and efficiently. In fact, chiropractors have the tools to help you recover from back pain, neck pain and all types of bodily tension and distress, and it all starts with a simple check up.

During post-accident checkup, your chiropractor will be looking for noticeable swelling. During this process, your provider will additionally look for signs of nerve damage, neurological damage, and problems impacting the movements of your joints and muscles.

Pain management therapies are essential for bouncing back from auto related injuries. These mainly include therapeutic massages, rehabilitation sessions, and even adjustments. The latter plays a pivotal role in releasing pressure from the nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments. These techniques are especially helpful for tackling whiplash and upper cervical pain.

Patients may also have to wear braces and supports to help them heal from auto injuries. The chiropractor, of course, will determine the length of time these medicinal items have to be worn. For example: neck braces are essential in tackling whiplash, while restoring optimal mobility and relieving neck pressure. Similarly, braces help realign the back and spinal column.

Chiropractors also check patients for damages stemming from concussions. In fact, a person can have a concussion due to an auto accident and not even realize it. With this in mind, chiropractors perform intricate and detailed examinations that cover all physical, neurological and physiological impairments due to auto injuries. Overall, chiropractic care can offer a wide array of timely and effective pain management services and therapies.

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