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Sunday, March 18, 2018

By Scott Myers

When the brain registers pain, it is very often a signal from the body that there is something amiss. Everybody experience pain from time to time. It is part of life. Unfortunately, there are those that suffer all the time. Their days are typified by pain. They cannot enjoy life any longer because even the slightest activity increases their pain levels. They often feel as if there is absolutely no hope. Thankfully, a San Mateo chiropractic clinic can often help such patients to lead normal lives again.

Chiropractors believe that modern medicine is far too invasive and that drugs causes side effects that are often even more harmful than the condition that is being treated. In fact, many chiropractors first practised as medical doctors. The core of the treatment offered by chiropractors centres around making sure that the spine is aligned at all times. Chiropractors believe that many types of that originate from an unaligned spine.

The majority of patients seeking help from a chiropractor complain of back ache. This is not the only type of pain that is treated, however. Chiropractors routinely treat a variety of sports injuries. Professional athletes often prefer chiropractors because the treatment is not invasive and the recovery period is often rather short. Those with severe migraines, neck pain and pain in the joints also benefit from treatment by a chiropractor.

Chiropractors believe that the alignment of the spine is central to the treatment of pain. When the spine is not aligned, the nerve system is placed under great stress. In turn, this causes the immune system to suffer and the body loses its ability to heal itself. When the spine is aligned once more, they pressure is removed from the nerve system and the immune systems resume normal operations.

There are more than a hundred different treatment methods used by chiropractors, depending upon the severity of the problem. In a few cases, where the spine is obstinately out of alignment, it may be necessary to manipulate the separate vertebrae into their place with gentle physical force. In most cases, however, a massage or the use of hot packs and cold compresses are sufficient to achieve the desired result.

There has been many official and academic studies focusing on the potential of this treatment discipline. Chiropractors generally enjoy a very high rate of success. They never use any form of drugs and their treatment methods are never invasive. This means that patients are not expose to potentially dangerous complications. Because no drugs are used, patients will not suffer from negative side effects.

Much can be done to prevent the spine from becoming unaligned. Low impact exercise and disciplines such as yoga can help increase flexibility and the strength of the muscles and tendons. It is also important to maintain an proper upright posture at all times, even when sitting down. In some cases it may be necessary to switch to ergonomically friendly furniture. Regular stretching exercises are also deemed to be important.

For many patients, chiropractors are their first line of defence when disease or pain strikes. Chiropractors do not shun conventional medical science and they will refer patients to a doctor if they think it necessary. Perhaps drug free, non invasive treatment will become the norm in the future.

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