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Saturday, December 9, 2017

By Andrew Collins

When you're young, health is something you take for granted. It's easy to work and play hard, get little sleep, eat anything you want, and feel on top if the world regardless. When you get older, you realize you need to take care of yourself. When it's time to rebalance your health Torrance CA way, you'll find many resources in the area, and others you can access with a click of your mouse.

Achieving balance is not a new concept when it comes to health and well-being. Ancient Chinese medicine was based on the idea that Yin must compliment Yang; too much dominance of one causes problems. Ayurvedic medicine uses one herb to buffer another; herbs are seldom if ever used alone. Western medicine seeks to balance hormones and the diet, and advocates a sensible lifestyle with time for both activity and rest.

Medical doctors as well as other health professionals stress the importance of a balanced lifestyle. If a person eats good, fresh food, gets plenty of vigorous exercise, and drinks copious amounts of pure water, half of any health battle is won. Too much junk food, too much sitting in front of a computer or a television, too much diet soda, and health is compromised.

When you seek to regain well-being, it helps to first get a whole picture of your health and then develop a customized program to address any disorders. Clinics often have a whole staff of wellness experts, people trained in various disciplines like herbal lore, muscle and tissue manipulation, acupuncture and reflexology, and nutrition.

A program designed to regain health can be do-it-yourself, of course. You may not be able to diagnose every condition you suffer from, but you can decide if you weigh too much, sleep too little, worry too hard, eat too much sugar or fat. If you know you get too little exercise, you can begin a program of gym work-outs or lunch-time walks. You can change your diet - hopefully for the better - or practice stress relieving techniques.

However, there is a time when professional help can be beneficial. If you have trouble keeping to a diet or an exercise program, for instance, coaching might keep you on track. If you know your lazy streak will sap your resolve to get more physical activity, a fancy machine that is designed to increase the impact of what exercise you do get might be worth the money. Only you can decide what will get you motivated, fit, and energized again.

Go online for a list of clinics, holistic doctors, natural food stores, or gyms in your area. You will also see online resources that give you an understanding of what you might need to do and who can help you do it. As you go, write down any questions that arise and formulate a clear idea of what you want. You might want to look like you did in college, or you might just want to be comfortable and pain-free in the body you have today.

Fortunately, the human body is designed to be balanced. It can recover from years of bad decisions in diet and lifestyle. You don't have to hurt, be depressed, never get a good night's sleep, or weigh too much. Look for the balance and take your life back.

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