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Monday, December 25, 2017

By Debra Brooks

Like many consumers, you are probably looking for an easy and seamless way to complete your smile. Severe tooth damage is a surprisingly common problem, especially among older adults. This can occur as the result of impact injuries or due to extensive tooth decay. Fortunately, with same day crowns, you can regain a complete and beautiful-looking smile with absolutely no delays. Following is some very important information about these treatments and their numerous benefits.

Conventional dental crowns are usually produced in about two to three weeks. During this time, patients are often left with incomplete smiles that make them feel less than confident. While they wait for their crowns to be produced, they usually contend with a lot of embarrassment and social anxiety, particularly when smiling, talking or engaging with people in personal and professional settings.

Temporary crowns are one solution that dentists use to prevent this issue. These are temporary tooth coverings that will keep you looking good and able to enjoy high confidence until your final crown is ready for installation. Temporary products, however, always pose the risk of falling out given that these are not permanently cemented in.

When you go to have your root canal performed, a same day crown can be completed while you are in office. Your provider will use cutting-edge 3d technologies to complete this work in-office. This eliminates the need to outsource this project to a third-party provider. Instead of using a lab, all of the necessary work can be done at an affordable cost, and in the very same office.

A crown has to be customized to fit the needs of the individual tooth. During a conventional procedure, your provider will take an impression of the affected tooth structure. This will then be sent off to a laboratory to be used in the production process. In these treatments, your impression will be fed into a computer system, which will then send the design plans to a very capable printer.

These efforts are also capable of providing shorter treatments all-around and of limiting the number of office visits that you have to make. The tooth covering will be rendered with premium-quality materials. It will then be cemented permanently onto the respective tooth to produce aesthetically pleasing results that last a very long time.

With diligent oral care, you can make sure that this restoration lasts. It will be nearly impossible to tell it apart from your own, natural tooth structures. The treated tooth can also be brushed and flossed along with your other teeth. Routine check-ups should be scheduled throughout the years, however, in order to give your dentist the chance to make sure that all of your teeth remain healthy. Should any small-sized problems crop up, these can be identified and resolved early on, before they have the change to increase in magnitude or spread.

You should know that treatments like these are not just for the completion of new root canals. You may have a crown that is old and failing. This type of technology can provide a fast and reliable fix. Due to this fact, this innovative dental procedure is also very helpful for people with old crowns that have begun to wear down.

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