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Friday, December 22, 2017

By Patricia Turner

Tooth loss is something that countless people struggle with. This can occur as the result of a forceful, impact event that literally knocks a natural tooth out of its socket. More commonly, it is caused by tooth decay and ongoing wear and tear. If you are missing one or more of your natural teeth, you may want to invest in the dental implants Key Largo locals are offering. Following are several reasons why.

For many people, the greatest benefits provided by these investments is the ability to regain their confidence. Nothing feels better than being able to show off a complete and healthy set of teeth whenever you talk to others or show off your smile. This cosmetic enhancement can make you more outgoing, positive, and proactive in nearly every area of your life.

You may be surprised to know that having a healthy and complete smile can actually make you a lot more marketable in both the social and professional arenas. More people are appearance-conscious than ever before. If you do not want to get consistently negative judgments based upon how you look, this is an important part of your appearance to pay attention to. You may find that having a nice smile gets you more work opportunities and better dates.

These services actually restore the overall structural integrity of the smile. This in turn prevents further tooth loss. If you have a badly damaged or missing tooth, your remaining teeth can start migrating out of their positions. These can also become loose as well. An implant will fill in any gap and keep everything right where it is supposed to be.

Having tooth loss that isn't treated will also put you at an increased risk for tooth decay. The teeth that you have remaining are going to need to compensate by working harder at breaking down foods. This can cause the to develop issues like fractures and cracks that let bacteria in. Replacing missing teeth will balance out the bite forces in your mouth so that these structures are under less stress.

Even the jawbone can benefit from procedures like these, especially when it comes to avoiding problems with progressive deterioration. After having an implant put in, your jawbone and the included titanium posts will become meshed together. As a result, your body will begin routing more blood, nutrients and oxygen to the treatment site to prevent the breakdown of this bony structure.

You may be concerned about the costs of these tooth replacement procedures. Given the broad range of future problems that an implant can prevent, it is usually far more cost-effective to pay for these services than it is to go without them. You can stave off a lot of costly issues further down the road by having a reputable dentist complete your smile.

It is also important to note that practices offering tooth replacement procedures tend to have a broad range of payment options that people can choose from. For instance, you provider may accept cash, credit cards, insurance, supplemental insurance or even pre-paid insurance plans. Some practices additionally provide in-house financing so that qualified customers can finance their treatments without having to rely on third-parties.

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