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Monday, March 28, 2016

By John Gray

As the world is fast approaching the electronic age, almost all practices are embracing the electronic health record system. With this system in place, health practitioners can exchange information electronically. Organizations can also provider better quality of care to their patients. You have probably been thinking about getting an EHR consultant to help you set up this system. Most of these people will promise to help you get the best system for your needs.

You should bear in mind that the electronic health system is still a new innovation to the health care provision industry. Implementing this system on your own could be an uphill task. You may not even know the best software to purchase that will suit the needs of your practice. The thought of a system that can improve your practice by offering accurate and complete patient information will make you want to hire an expert.

There are many competent electronic health record system consultants that can give you quality services at affordable rates. Nevertheless, this does not overrule the fact that some of the experts have given this industry a black eye. They offer incompetent services that lead practices into additional billable services. If they do a half-finished job, for instance, you will have to contract another expert at an extra cost. These are some of the pitfalls you must avoid.

Bearing in mind that you may actually need an expert to help you set up the electronic health system, you need to understand some of the terms used in this system. For instance, most people looking for consultants end up contracting re-sellers to handle their project. Competent consultants do not front the interests of any vendors for financial gains or other reasons whatsoever. They only want to help your system integrate the right EHR system.

A re-seller, on the other hand, recommends systems to a health care practice for profit. They are like marketing agents of the software vendors. For any successful leads that gets the practice to purchase a software, they get a handsome commission. Analyzing the needs of your organization will be the least of their worries. They will only advice you to buy a system because of the financial gains they are likely to make.

Since they have an allegiance to the software vendors, their advice may not be impartial. Before choosing the right electronic health record system to use, you will need an expert who will give you unbiased advice. This is after they have assessed all the needs for your practice. Unfortunately, re-sellers may not give you the best advice. They cannot afford to represent their software in a manner that seems unsuitable to your practice.

As you endeavor to find the right consultants to integrate an electronic health record system in your practice, be leery of deals that sound too good. You need to have your plan in place before you begin looking for an expert to hire. This plan should include how much you are willing to spend on this system. It calls for a bit of research.

Internet is a very good source of information for your research. You should also prepare your staff for the changes you are about to introduce. Ensure they are comfortable with computers and the system.

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