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Saturday, July 18, 2015

By Phyllis Schroeder

Any condition that affects brain cells does a greater damage to the victim than some of the health conditions that many people fear. What many people know is that brain cells develop health problems such as memory loss due to age. However, it is crucial to know that other factors and physical experiences such as accidents can cause dementia. Instead of seeing victims of this condition as a burden to you, you should look for any of the activities for people with dementia to engage them.

People suffering from such brain conditions deserve the best from others to make them feel they are important members of the society. Firstly, such individuals expect personal care services on a daily basis. Some of these services include brushing teeth, dressing them and helping them to operate showers in bathrooms.

Individuals whose brain cells have been damaged may not engage cooking affairs more perfectly. Their lost memory would lead to other problems since they forget things easily. This suggests that they would also not be able to know what to prepare and how to prepare it. Nonetheless, they would appreciate if you help them look for the right ingredients to prepare balanced meals.

If you like social involvements, you should find these victims the best partners for them. Research experts say that such social engagements keep the victims active the whole day and this is good for their brain. If you have a debate to engage, allow these victims to be part of it and take their opinions rightly. This way, you boost their belief that other humans appreciate them just the way they are.

If you accompany them in different spiritual places, you will make them stronger in their spirits. Help them prepare to go to church and participate in every activity there. Let them learn the new clapping and dancing styles. Let them feel they have the best voices when singing hymns and when reciting bible verses. Such engagements may make their recovery processes shorter and effective.

It is also important to involve these individuals in artistic affairs. These activities enhance their creativity. Look for the best music and listen together with them or even engage them to painting and coloring sessions. You may also involve them in playing musical instruments such as piano and trumpets. By so doing, you divert their attention from the medical condition that is oppressing them.

Do not deny them the chance to participate in any academic activity. Mind stimulation is what they need to think better and remember what they should remember. If there is a puzzle for them to fill, help them do so and also help them to write different books and scripts.

Finally, you should also help them to perform various household tasks. They would feel good if you clean window blinds or even arrange utensils in their respective wall units. Again, you could also involve them when sorting out clothes to be washed, polishing shoes or even changing sofa covers.

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