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Monday, April 8, 2013

By George Pallosi

There are many types of procedures that a dentist can perform for his patients. One such procedure is tooth polishing which can even out the rough surfaces of your teeth. Brushes, tape and rubber cups are used to buff the surfaces with paste. This effectively removes the existing stains from your teeth.

Because the procedure removes harmful buildups of tartar, it helps prevent the teeth from deteriorating. It also helps in preventing gum diseases. The dentist will be the one to decide if the patient needs to undergo such a procedure. In some cases, one may have to take medications before it starts.

The first step to this procedure is to scale the teeth. In this stage, the accumulated tartar and plaque in the teeth will be removed. Vibrations and sprayed water is used to facilitate the removal. If there are still buildups, the dentist will remove this using a scaler. Once all the teeth are cleaned, the surfaces can now be polished.

Certain areas will be hard to reach while others can only be reached at a specific angle. As a result, the dental practitioner may use a number of tools like rubber cups, dental tape, brushes and so on. Sometimes, instead of paste, he will use air powder for the procedure. To experience its benefits, one should pick a licensed emergency dentist in philadelphia for the treatment.

In the past years, the dental community thought this procedure to be a necessary preventative treatment. It was thought that the procedure minimized the occurrence of buildups. The procedure was also believed to be a preparatory process for specific treatments. Currently, it is considered a cosmetic procedure.

A patient who wants to undergo such a treatment should remember that this procedure is not a permanent solution. The procedure can help you get whiter teeth but if you do not address the underlying cause of your dental problems, such as bad habits, the problem will still recur. Additionally, if the procedure is not done right, the teeth may become worn out and the gums may also incur some damages.

There are alternatives to going to a clinic. You may find do it yourself kits in the stores and other such products. While this can seem like a good enough solution, you also need to consider that you have had no experience in such a procedure. To minimize damages, one should just go to an emergency dentist in philadelphia pa.

This procedure may be included in an emergency dental in philadelphia to ensure your oral health. It is not automatically included in cleaning but if your dentist deems it necessary, he will recommend this to you. Luckily, if the dentist makes such a recommendation, the procedure is usually included in many policies. Check your insurance first so you can minimize expenses.

Tooth polishing is a procedure that smoothens the surfaces of your teeth. Cleaning is usually done first before the dentist polishes so that existing accumulation of tartar can be removed. Kits can be bought from stores but going to a dentist is still best if you want to prevent any damages to your teeth and gums.

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