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Friday, April 19, 2013

By Jean Triplett

Is snoring ruining your sleep? It is common for everyone to snore from time to time, but if snoring is affecting the amount of time you sleep, it can negatively affect many other things in your life. Read the following article and you may find ways to reduce the snoring problems in your life.

If your snoring is growing worse, make sure that the pillow you use at night is thick enough to elevate your head. Sleeping on a pillow that does not have adequate girth will not only increase your snoring, but it will also disturb your loved ones who are trying to sleep.

Treat your allergies if you have a tendency to snore at night. If you are congested or your respiratory system is irritated, you will be more likely to snore when you go to sleep. Use a decongestant or an antihistamine to treat your allergies, and keep your airway clear at night.

If you eat or drink any dairy products before you go to bed at night it will make your snoring worse. Dairy can produce extra mucus, and this will cause your airways to be clogged up. This leads to snore and a horrible night's sleep for you and the person you sleep with every night.

The older you get, the more you will have to do in order to keep yourself from snoring. Narrower airways await you as you age, and this creates a higher chance of you snoring as you sleep. Make sure you are doing everything you can in order to prevent snoring as you get older.

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Tape your nose using specialized strips. Snoring is not only a problem in regard to your health, it can impact the health of loved ones. When you are snoring so loudly that those near you can get any sleep, it is a problem for everyone. Consider using un-medicated nasal strips to help control your snoring.

If you have a problem with snoring, sinus infections may be a cause for you to look into. Sinus infection can block airways, making it hard to breathe. This can cause the passages to create a vacuum which can lead to snoring. Nasal infection can cause snoring in the same way.

If snoring is causing you or someone you love to lose sleep, think about avoiding dairy products, at least close to bedtime. Dairy products, especially milk, create excess mucous in the nose and throat, and can even make breathing more difficult. The more mucous you produce, the more you will snore.

There are a number of throat sprays available that claim to help some with their snoring. The idea is that for some people, the throat passages become dry as they breath during the night. These sprays lubricate your throat and airways and keep this dryness from causing your snoring.

Facial exercises do more than just tone and trim your jawline; actually, by regularly completing these exercises, you may also strengthen the muscles of your mouth and neck. As a result, you will be less prone to loud and disruptive snoring throughout the night. Now THAT, is really something to smile about!

Avoid eating a big meal before going to bed. Having a stomach that is full will push up on the diaphragm. And this can limit your ability to breath. You should also avoid rich foods, like chocolate, pizza, cookies and cake before bed, they can make your stomach feel full.

As stated from the article above, most people do not believe that you can prevent people from snoring. But if you know the causes of why a person snores, then there is no reason why you cannot make the necessary lifestyle changes to stop it from happening. Take the tips from this article and apply them to your own everyday life so you can stop snoring too!

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