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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

By Helen Murphy

Scientists confirm that the planet has its own electrical field. Nowadays, taking advantage of it is referred to as earthing. Also called grounding by some, it is basically about utilizing the energy the earth is giving off. You may not be able to see it but all kinds of scientific instruments can identify its presence. The truth is a lot of people say that they're able to feel it in the form of a tingly sensation whenever they're barefoot. If you're interested to know more about the various benefits it's said to offer, don't stop reading now.

It lowers stress. Many of today's people, most especially those with hectic everyday lives, are experiencing all sorts of health nightmares such as heart palpitations and unrelenting headaches. According to doctors, these issues can be linked to stress, particularly the long term type. It is very important to keep high levels of stress in check in order to fend off the various physical and mental problems it's proven to cause.

It fends off insomnia. Getting 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep per night is highly recommended by health authorities. If you fail to obtain such, your body is robbed of the chance to heal intensively. You may encounter a variety of health nightmares if you are constantly deprived of sleep. High blood glucose and high blood pressure are just a few examples of those.

It alleviates joint inflammation. More often than not, an achy joint is due to inflammation. The kind that takes place when you have a wound is not the one being talked about, but something that happens within you due to reasons like extended contact with environmental contaminants or suffering from an autoimmune disorder. Doctors say that putting inflammation under control is necessary for the prevention of health concerns associated with its long term existence.

It alleviates pain. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are some of the most prescribed medications for managing pain. However, their intake is known to cause different side effects. The health can be placed in jeopardy, too, especially when these drugs are administered at high doses and for extended periods of time. Your liver and kidneys, for example, may become damaged in the long run.

It may keep heart disease at bay. So many things can be blamed for high blood pressure. Cigarette smoking, high stress levels, a sedentary life and unhealthy food choices are some of them. It's important to keep your blood pressure low because, according to doctors, a high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease.

It bolsters the immune system. Your body is shielded from attacking bacteria and viruses by your immune system. That is why keeping it strong can help in lowering your risk of having all kinds of infections. These days when getting medical attention doesn't cost cheap, having an immune system in an optimal shape can work to your utmost advantage.

It controls both anxiety and depression. So many mental health experts say that reconnecting with the planet can drive away anxious or depressive thoughts. Actually, it is regarded as an effective drug free solution for dealing with anxiety and clinical depression.

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