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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

By Brian Scott

About 80% of men experience a common problem of hair thinning before they reach 50, some start as early as 21. There are several types of hair loss conditions, e. G., Alopecia areata and telogen effluvium which can be cured. There is no cure for pattern baldness though, however, there are some balding solutions and some Highend men shampoo for men which slow down the process. Unlike women, hair thinning typically occurs at the front or top of the head for men.

One of the solutions is to use medication that has the characteristic of a vasodilator, which is to promote sufficient blood flow on the scalp by widening blood vessels. Minoxidil Topical is that medicine, it has Minoxidil which is known for stimulating hair growth. It works well when it is applied directly on the bald spot, it comes as a foam, gel or a liquid. It doesn t give a permanent solution, so you ll have to apply it to the scalp as prescribed (regularly) for better results.

There may be side effects when using this treatment method. Minoxidil may induce hair growth in other parts of the body. So you may grow hair on the face, limbs, and other unwanted areas. People using this medication often complain about having swollen legs, scalp irritation and burning. It may also accelerate the heartbeat. Adverse effects may include faintness, anxiety, respiratory infection and worsening of hair loss.

Another type of medication is Finasteride, it is an antiandrogen. It prevents testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the more DHT is produced on hair follicles, the higher the risk of hair loss. It may be taken orally as a pill or alternatively as an injection. Discontinuation of use will result in recommencement of baldness. Both of this medication can be found over the counter.

Possible side effects arising from the use of Finasteride are; loss of sex appetite, erection dysfunctionality, breast growth, breast tenderness and finally body rush. All these side effects, except the latter, will be as a result of the lack of the male hormone DHT which is prevented from being formed by this pill.

A very small number of people who stopped using Finasteride have been diagnosed with infertility, breast cancer, and depression. These side effects are very rare, but they do happen sometimes and discontinuing to take the medication will not stop them.

For those who don t like taking medication every day, hair transplantation may be a solution for baldness. Hair follicles from the unaffected area may be taken and transplanted on the bald area. Alternatively, the affected scalp area may be reduced, the disadvantage of this is that the scar formed during the reduction process may spread with time. Both of these surgical procedures are quite expensive. Most hair transplant patients are satisfied with the results.

Surgery is expensive and medication has its own disadvantages, so some opt for wearing man-made hair to cover up the bald area.

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