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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

By Haywood Hunter

Today, many people believe that sun tan can make them look more attractive and they use sun self tanning products. It is possible to get a sun tan using various methods, but the use of products remains most effective. This tan does not last forever but it comes with a number of benefits. It has dawned on many people that sun self tanning products are a better option than sunbathing, tanning beds and other methods.

Sun self tanning products includes gels, sprays and lotions. However, lotion is loved by many people. In the past, lotions were not trusted to give good results; however, that has changed over time. New technology and advancement in science have made lotions one of the most reliable products to give you a tan. There are people who still think lotions are good enough and go for other sun self tanning products. This should always be done with caution and checking if the product has any harmful ingredients.

The sun is good for the skin, even though it can give you a beautiful tan. The ultra violet rays are known to cause skin cancer. Unlike sun self tanning products, it makes the skin excessively dry leading to wrinkles and fast aging. You should not go for a tanning bed because your skin is exposed to the same rays. Cancer is a deadly disease and you should prevent it as much as you can.

Sun self tanning products are safe and do not contain any dangerous rays, actually they are made using harmless ingredients. DHA is the most common ingredient and it uses the outer skin to give that golden or brown tan. Not all lotions contain this ingredient but most of them do.

To get a tan in a salon, you have to use a tanning bed in most cases. The services are costly and you must be ready to dig deep into your pocket. Some of the discounts offered are not as low as you would imagine when using sun self tanning products. You still need to part with around 20 USD per session. This is not easy if you are running on tight budget.

It is easy to purchase sun self tanning products. They are available in the local stores and in different sizes. You will find a bottle of average size can last almost two months. A single application will go for days and that saves you money while you enjoy a beautiful tan. Some brands sell their lotions at higher prices than others. The cost is low and you can always get one for yourself.

Quick results are achieved when using sun self tanning products compared to other available methods. It will take you days to get that golden skin when using a tanning bed or sun bathing. It can be difficult to use methods that take time especially if you are busy because you can't be in a beauty parlor during working hours. Sun self products like lotions are excellent because they will not take much of your time.

The benefits of using sun self tanning products are unlimited. They will enable you choose the safe way to get the brown skin. Apart from preventing possible cancer development, you can literally take the tan with you anywhere. You can comfortably apply the product at home. The bottle of a sunless tan product can easily fit in your bag. This enables you travel with it easily.

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