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Monday, October 16, 2017

By Joshua Robinson

Hormonal balance is so important that many of the disorders that women experience throughout their life can be attributed to an imbalance. When one or more hormones is under or over stimulated, problems range from PMS to menopausal discomfort. Both diet and lifestyle contribute to over-all health, including the proper production of hormones by the body's glandular system. Counseling on womens nutrition Carlsbad CA way can help local women have a higher quality of life.

Most parents know well that a girl reaching puberty can have severe emotional swings as her hormone levels fluctuate. Hormones affect our emotions, our energy level, how well we sleep, and how well our reproductive systems function. They also affect weight gain and metabolism. Hormones are produced by female organs but also by organs that both sexes have, like the adrenal glands.

Almost all women are aware that estrogen plays an important role. If the ovaries produce enough estrogen at the right times, a woman will have fairly painless and regular menstruation, for example. Her breasts will develop properly and not be too large for her skeletal framework to support without strain. She will have abundant hair on her head and will be able to nurse a baby without problems. She will have enough energy to get through the day happily and will go through the 'change of life' without heavy bleeding, hot flashes, night sweats, and other bothersome symptoms.

Unfortunately, painful periods and mood swings are common for women of child-bearing age and menopausal disorders affect millions of older women. Fatigue is one of the most common complaints doctors hear from women over forty. Night sweats, hot flashes, dry and thinning skin and hair, dry eyes and mouth, and heavy bleeding can make the 'change of life' long and unpleasant.

A woman can do her own research and choose foods and supplements that can help her find balance. If that seems too difficult, there are naturopaths, herbalists, and even medical doctors who try diet and supplementation with natural things before resorting to pharmaceuticals. A doctor can do lab tests, like blood scans, that can reveal where problems may lie. A dietitian might recommend dietary changes to achieve certain health goals.

You can also find holistic clinics in the Carlsbad area directed by medical doctors which have nutritional experts, herbalists, and perhaps a homeopath on staff. A clinic may also offer massage therapy, acupuncture, and other non-invasive methods of relieving pain and stress.

Nutrition involves more than food. It is important to know what to eat but also what to avoid and why. A sedentary lifestyle can keep your body from functioning well. In fact, health professionals now cite sitting too much as 'as bad as smoking'. Reducing stress and coping with its effects is critical.

Many modern habits disrupt hormone levels. Too much screen time (either television or computer) can cause insomnia, especially if this activity goes on well into the evening hours. Other, more serious conditions like endrometriosis, can be addressed with nutrition. Supplements like phytoestrogens can help ease PMS and menopause. Check online for information on how your body works and who is available to counsel you.

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