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Thursday, October 27, 2016

By Jamie Muck

Bursitis is a common joint condition that affects millions of people across the world. In the U. S. A, 200,000 new cases are reported each year. In a nutshell, bursitis is the inflammation of bursae, which acts as cushions at the joints. These are essentially fluid filled pads that enable the joints to move and retract in a normal manner.

When inflamed, however, pain and swelling, along with stiffness can occur. Bursitis can impact the knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. It requires professional care by a dedicated Lawrenceville Chiropractor.

Most chiropractors in Lawrenceville are highly experienced. Therefore, they are able to provide various care plans for individuals suffering from bursitis. Although thermal imaging and x rays are not used to determine how severe bursitis is, they can be used in chronic and more extensive cases.

After an intricate and detailed checkup, your chiropractor will determine the best ways to restore proper mobility and flexibility. This usually includes rest, along with ice and pain relievers. Surgery is rarely needed but can be performed in cases where the bursitis is severe and traditional remedies have failed to secure pain relief and solace.

Competent chiropractors offer excellent joint, ligament, tendon and muscle care services. The professionals will advise you not to perform any strenuous activities or exercises when receiving care. This is part of a care plan meant to allow the joints enough time to heal as normal flexibility and mobility is restored.

You can perform light errands and chores. However, you should avoid activities like jogging, running and speed walking for several weeks or months. Your chiropractor will inform you how long you should wait before engaging in such activities and the medications that can minimize the swelling and inflammation. People of all age groups can suffer from bursitis, but it is more common in people who have active lifestyles. The repetitive motion of the shoulders, knees, elbows and hips is what causes the abnormal inflammation and swelling.

The main causes, however, are usually related to overexertion of the joints, especially during fitness regimens and physical exercises. As a result, your Lawrenceville chiropractic doctor can even map out a post care exercise plan. It will help you meet your fitness goals without overstraining the muscles and joints.

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