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Sunday, October 30, 2016

By Robin Setser

When it comes to the various responsibilities of dog owners, dental care seems to go overlooked. This is unfortunate since a dog's teeth deserve just as much care as a human's. The likes of Assisi will be able to agree, which is why it's important to go over the best ways to keep your own canine friend's teeth in great shape. With these 4 methods in mind, doggie dental care will be something of a breeze.

If you want to know how to go about dental care, you have to understand that many animals require time to get used to it. This is why many specialists recommend that you start brushing your pet's teeth at an early age, albeit gently at first. When this happens, they will not be as likely to bite later on down the road. If you put in the effort ahead of time, you'll be happy to know that dental hygiene will occur more easily with your pet.

While we are on the subject of brushing, make sure that you administer a toothpaste that's safe to swallow. Needless to say, you're not going to be able to use toothpaste for humans, since it contains chemicals that aren't safe to ingest. Fortunately, many pet stores have products that you can use for this purpose, which means that you won't have to look far. This is one of the most important tips that companies like Assisi Animal Health can provide.

It's also worth noting that dry dog food tends to be more beneficial for your pet's oral hygiene. For those who do not know, wet dog food stands a greater chance of sticking to the gum and teeth. This can increase one's risk of developing gum disease, meaning that maintaining a dog's oral health becomes more challenging than it should be. Provided your veterinarian gives you the okay, place more of an emphasis on dry food.

Finally, understand that chew toys have more than their fair share of uses. If you think that they're used only to keep your pet preoccupied, you'll be surprised to know that they can aid the process of dental hygiene. When a dog chews on a bone, for example, his or teeth become stronger over the course of time, which keeps the risk of oral disease at bay. Chew toys matter, so pick up a few for your pet to gnaw on.

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